“The Burrow” Closing Its Doors!

Owners of the Establishment known as ‘The Burrow” announced that the both the Riverton and the newest Elmerton establishments have closed following the discovery that several prestigious patrons, and their attendees as well as, a number of employees associated with running the establishment suffered as a result of ‘Bad Nip’.   The establishment owners explained that while they endeavor to keep their workers living environment as comfortable as possible, the workers often resign to the use of ‘Nip,’ which is strongly frowned upon.  In this instance a bad batch circulated at the entertainment site resulting in several workers falling into ‘a pack mentality’ fit of rage, catching several patrons unaware.  

Establishment owners have spared no expense to collect the workers and seek out treatment for their addictions.  The owners state they will continue to search for the remaining rogue workers which they feel may have retreated to Marshall’s Landing.  The service workers who were not involved with the massacre and with amounts still outstanding on their contracts will be given an opportunity to transition to an alternate location where available or educated to take on a new trade.  

Open Stage at Crossworlds Tavern!

(An astrally-projected sheet of paper appears on the wall of the Crossworlds Tavern)


Come one, come all! It’s time for the 125th annual, interdimensionally wonderful and incredible Open Stage Night at the Crossworlds Tavern in Marshall’s Landing on Magesta! On the 27th evening of Maygrelian, in the 149th year of the Age of Arrival (Standard Magestan time), join us for a night of talent, wonder, and competition!

Are you the best dancer in Pyross? Got pipes that can bust glass from Pitch? Or a sideshow that would OOO and AHHH even the slimiest Greshenthallian? From poets to bards to comedians to magicians – now’s your time to share your talents with the entire Dabbleverse.

Dinner will be served and is complimentary to all guests! As always, the TOP prize is 10 gold. Oh my cats – that’s amazing!

Come, eat, drink, get famous. Now’s your time to shine!

The Magestream Episode 1-9

Audio Player

Hello Magestans!

On this Episode of The Magestream we’ll do a recap of the goings-on of the May 5th-7th, 2017 event, Rybin will talk about some of Magesta’s most famous heroes, and Shawn Robbins will answer Magestry Trivia in order to avoid being SPELLED!!

Thanks to Alex Fabian for submitting a question for Rybin to answer, and thanks to Shawn Robbins, Paul Dabkowski, and Scott Slater for participating in Wait! Wait! Don’t Spell Me! Thanks again to Sam Rochford for writing our theme music! You can find more of Sam’s music on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SamRochfordMusic.

If you have comments, questions, suggestions, or performances that you want to submit, you can email them to TheMagestream@Magestry.com. Thanks for listening!

Click here to download this episode.

The Magestream Episode 1-8

Audio Player

On this episode of the Magestream we talk about Death: Forced Permanent Death, Undeath, Questions about Death and Life after (or perhaps in the face of) Death. It’s a long one, but we think it’s a lot of fun. 

Thanks to Arvilli, “not Arvilli,” and Heinrich Lockberg for submitting questions for Rybin to answer, thanks to Jay Neal (a.k.a. Aien Mistwind) for their submission to our Command: Perform segment, and thanks to Kristen Jacobsen (a.k.a Vaylin) for answering questions about how her character would react to a zombi-fied friend.

Thanks, too, to Sam Rochford for writing our theme music. You can find more of her music at Facebook.com/SamRochfordMusic!

If you have comments, questions, suggestions, or performances that you want to submit, you can email them to TheMagestream@Magestry.com. Thanks for listening!

Click here to download.

Magestry’s Best of Newgreen 127

Here are your picks for the Best of the April 5th-7th event!


This month’s Best PC is a long-time veteran who has always been a great role-player, but really stood out this game. Tom Sadler as Kai seemed to fully step into a leadership position in this strange new area and we got to see him as a commander of a group of people out of their element. Tommy is a help behind the scenes as well, helping to setup when he can and staying to help out as much as he is able. We were impressed with him this game, as were you! Thanks, Tommy!


“Kai was extremely helpful and clarified alot of mechanics for me”

“Kai- Tom did a great job this game, between leading the town in fights and also doing his duty as commander.

Commander Windsaber was on his A game, being a commanding presence and at the vanguard of all major engagements. He also roleplayed extensively: from his makeup, you his voice, to his fake-tinnitus. He is always in character and helping others stay immersed.”

“Another standout was Kai. I’d always viewed him as a bit stuffy as leader of the town guard. However, the way he took initiative and settled into his leadership role when it was needed was refreshing and an absolute joy.”

“Tom as Helik/Kai. Was interesting seeing this Helik compared to other Helik.”


The PELs have spoken! This month’s Best NPC ended in a dead tie between Karen Hobbes and Miza Hedley! Karen is an incredible staff member at Magestry. Not only does she work tirelessly to write engaging, thoughtful plots, but she also donates so much of our costuming, helps us to bring our creatures and characters to life, and is a wonderful role-player with an extremely diverse range. We are very lucky to have her on staff.


“Karen!!! Everything about Karen!!!”

“I really love Grrrowl Tiger. She’s hilarious.”

“Karen is a great addition to the Magestry family, even her crunchy characters are a lot of fun to fight! But the diversity of the roles she plays, geeze!”

“Growwl- Just damn. Karen knocked it out of the park this game.”


Miza has been on staff for years now, always helping where she can behind the scenes and going out here and there to do some role-playing. However, this event Miza was truly impressive in all the characters she went out to play. We were awed at Briarcliff and are simply stunned at the depth of her role-playing abilities with her other characters! We know you loved seeing her too, and we are excited to see what else she has in store!

Thanks to both ladies and congrats!


“Shoutout to Miza’s crazy spider lady who I barely interacted with but the costuming and acting were stunning from the sidelines and she seemed to hook things excellently and spread information (or maybe disinformation?) really well to the players.”

“Miza’s Briarcliff was a brilliantly played character. She managed to be completely indecipherable, yet amazingly informative. Creepy as hell and yet oddly sympathetic. The movements, makeup and costuming were perfect. Those head twitches and tilts really sold it. That and the two different contacts made it super unsettling.”

“Miza who really stepped into all her roles. I was so incredibly happy to see her out so much in game!”

“Madam Briarcliff. So, so well done. Insanity level was off the wall, and it was glorious and beautiful.”

Local Man Found Dead On Side of the Road

To the honored guests of Marshall’s Landing,

It is this chronicler’s deepest regrets to inform you that Scindow Tretiov was found stone dead by a local hero. Dogwood, the local hero, reports on the circumstances of the deceased’s passing. It was a bright and beautiful day. Birds could be heard singing among the freshly sprung branches. The sweet scent of morning drew swelled in the air. The leaves rustled calmly as a delicate breeze caused them to flutter. The sun had been rising quickly that morning. Short bursts of clouds moved through the sky giving relief to the heat of the day.

 Witnesses report that they heard Dogwood calling for assistance. “Help! Help!” He had said. The sun had kissed his cheeks and the wind caressed his hair as he attempted to thrust life back into the newly deceased. Dogwood tried with all of his might to bring back the man who had fallen to his doom, but he was simply out of luck.

Dogwood, a local hero, was asked about what happened. His tunic was slightly unbuttoned exposing his crisp chest hairs. Dogwood appeared slightly panicked, a rich musk of honey and something more primal wafting from him. He paused, “Uhh he looked real dead. I didn’t really know him that well.” When asked if he tried to help the deceased, Dogwood remained composed glimmering with a shadow of elegance. “I mean a little bit. It was sad. It looked like he fell and smashed up his face real good.”Image result for snake eyes dice drawing

Though Dogwood could not save the life of the person who died this day, he will be remembered for his acts of kindness. He will be known for the valor he showed as he did all that he could to help. Dogwood had a chivalrous message for the people visiting Marshall’s Landing,  “Careful! Sometimes its real slippery.”


Lyrc Fret