Over the last year, those loyal to the Incarnation of War have been thrown into a Chaos the likes of which has not been seen in Ages. The Vampire Queen Amphelise, acting as a de-facto Incarnation of Nightmare, was able to put Armego, the Incarnation of War, into a deep, crippling slumber. Many of his agents no longer felt their connection to him; they became the Lost, and many of us were in danger of succumbing to the emptiness of Spirit that resulted. However, Amphelise has been defeated and Armego has woken once more. Though his awakening brought joy, it also brought confusion- both his and ours. He has claimed to be Hyurog, Magesta’s first Incarnation of War, and has mentioned alliance with someone called the Gatekeeper (to what end, we are unsure), though he also recognizes his role as Armego.
This duality has caused a great deal of excitement throughout the Allegiant because it seems we are nearing the fulfillment of a prophecy written long ago:
When the spirits duel in War, the Dawn of Victory is at hand.
In the original prophecy, the word “duel” was difficult to distinguish; it looked as if it might have, instead, read “dual.” Interpreters at the time agreed that the intended word must have been “duel,” but they made a marginal note about their hesitance. In light of this recent event, we now understand that the intended word was, in fact, “dual,” so, as officially noted by the historians in Battlekeep, the prophecy now reads:
When the spirits, dual, in War, the Dawn of Victory is at hand.
Magical verification has been undertaken, and our Spiritual Theorists have confirmed that there are, indeed, two spirits residing within the Incarnation of War. It is my fervent belief that the Dawn of Victory is upon us and we are fortunate enough to be alive to witness it!
Oh, Faithful ones! The Spirit of War has come into his rights once more on Magesta. My being is alive and aflame with the passion of battle and I hunger for the glory and brilliance that it brings. I long to see men rise from the bleakness of the battlefield and take on the vividly colored mantle of bravery and courage. I yearn to see the depth of character of warriors the world over, and to see all peoples reach their true potential. Hyurog has reclaimed his title and is bringing about an Age in which War is revered and glorified! He has come to us as prophesied, and the effects are being felt the world over as the bloodfire is ignited once more in the hearts of Magesta.
This recent change has inspired me to relate, briefly, the story of the beginning of the Age of War in order that we can use the past to help us interpret and accept the present and to look forward to the future.
The end of the Age of Repose saw fundamental shift in the positive and negative energies of Magesta. The very components of Magesta’s eight Realms were being altered by some force in ways that impacted nearly every person, plant, and animal on Magesta. For a reason never determined, the Incarnation of War was especially affected by what was happening- many of his Warlords had their Agreement somehow inverted, still receiving their power, though from someone or something other than Hyurog. The hearts of many of his remaining agents became timid and their spirits lost the spark that gave them courage and the will to live fully. Hyurog was losing his family to this force, and it is said that his wrath grew exponentially even as his feelings of helplessness and loss increased. Finally, as a father will do when his family is attacked, Hyurog struck back with all the power granted him by his Incarnationhood. Though his actions were born from an attempt to shift the balance of energies back to normal, his vision was filled with bloodlust, the glory of war, and the inexorable and valiant spirit of, as-of-yet unrealized, Potential. His will poured over the land, and the Age of War shaped the next thousand years.
Now Hyruog is returned to us, and though we are charged to figure out why, we are also charged with Duty and Obedience to our Incarnation, even as we would give to a visiting commanding officer. Perhaps the energies have been tampered with once again and he has returned to us in our time of need- a time when we need War to bring about change. A time when the beings of Magesta need to be tempered with blood and battle and come through the Forges of War stronger and more resilient. The strength of War has given rise to a strength of character that has been lacking and is sorely needed. We may not be able to understand fully the nature of this merger of Incarnations, but it is my hope that we will embrace it and use it to better and strengthen ourselves. Nowhere is the glory of a person’s character as well-defined as on the battlefield.

The Dawn of Victory is upon us! Make yourselves ready. And Praise Hyurog!
~Garraunt Warsson
Agent of War
Devoter of the South Farthings