Player Submission: A Vision From the Abyss

I received this vision in a bloody haze of pain the other night and thought I should pass it along:

People of Elmerton:

Greetings from the Abyss! It’s me, Poonjesticle, Sole Heir to the Blue Prince of Darkness, Future Ruler of the Abyss, and I was just writing to let you all know that, rest assured, I made it home safe and sound! I must say the trip here was a bit more unsettling than I remember, but I did have that monkey to take care of. Worst. Interplanar. Travel buddy. Ever. He kept screaming the whole time and didn’t even make it here in one piece. Tell him he’s gonna have to do better than that when he kicks it for good and begins his eternity of demon slaying servitude. I hope the rest of you can hold your own better when you get here.

Otherwise I’m doing great, thanks for asking! The fire beaches are lovely this time of year and I must admit I got a little side tracked getting back to father’s blue demon palace. There are a lot of lovely terrors down here and hardly any green things, which is nice. You guys would totally love it!

I should probably apologize for that whole business with Beladross. I honestly didn’t realize who he was and that was a real low blow sacrificing Kraven’s dad and all. But, you know, Demons will be Demons. Loki gets it. All things considered I can’t complain. He did get me back home and with him mucking about on Magesta there’s one less ambitious foe in my father’s way.

Send my best along to Frank. I miss him dearly and his awesome stories about his dead family. Also he knows the best way to cook mortal flesh that dad’s chefs just can’t compete with. Considering how useless that monkey turned out to be I’d say Frank was a total steal. I should’ve asked for the souls of two children instead…

Wish you all were here!

~Poonjesticle xoxo

Fledgar’s Fellers Take Interest in Elmerton

Let it be known during the summer and start of the fall months the fledgars fellers mining company will be spread through town excavating the land and collecting samples. The reasons for this is twofold and will be explained here.
1. We feel historical artifacts may have been long forgotten below the ground as well as in the town lake. Although local history is rich and rather well documented it is of royal opinion that knowing more is always better. We have several leads that we will be following through on.
2. Elmerton has rich natural and unnatural resources. Even the more common ones are of a rare and exceptional quality that could serve a much higher purpose. This area seems to hold and release incredible energy and we would all benefit learning more about what exactly makes it all work.
We have been given permission to roam the lands in order to excavate, though any sort of work that may disturb the area will be presented and approved on a case-by-case basis. We will not engage in any sort of activity that will harm wildlife or upset the general landscape of Elmerton. This is an undertaking that will hopefully bring more knowledge about, and more money into, Elemerton.
We ask that you allow us to do our work with no protest. Any violent actions or acts of sabotage against associates of Fledgars Fellers Mining Company will not be taken lightly. Those who engage in such acts will be met with swift and harsh criminal penalties
For more information please ask at the Windlock manor house.FLedgar's Fellers Symbol
Hector Cavalerra
Head Foreman
Fledgars Fellers Mining Company.

Player Submission: Court Minutes- Petalsong 124

Court Minutes of Elmerton – 31st day of Petalsong, Year 124, Age of FortuneOpen book

scribed by Rybin vanHolt, Historian and Scholar

1. Tellah Forgedheart, Minister of Hatchport, addressed Elmerton on the threat posed by the Gloomis and advised citizens to use the dream tokens acquired the previous evening in the dream realm to create centerpieces on tables in the Wining Spirit tavern that would act as a beacon for hopeless souls, and then to restore their hope when they approached the centerpieces.*

2. Rakesh addressed the town with information he learned from from a liminal named Zoltrian (sp?) about the Incarnation of War. It was confusing, but according to Rakesh’s source it seems that When Armego awoke, Hyurog awoke and that they share “one voice” and “one skin” and that the skin is Armego’s and the voice is Hyurog’s. The liminal further stated that they would continue to share voice and skin until “voice hates voice” and “skin hates skin.” It was suggested that a “piece of Hyurog” that was cast away – War with purpose – may be the key to getting the Incarnation to hate Itself, and thus separate Armego and Hyurog.

3. Minister Oliver described the recent rash of theft and called on townspeople to report what was stolen and what was known about the thefts. Pollux Caster reported 2 gold stolen in Upper Cabin, Solun reported over 6 gold stolen. Galynn reported the theft of a ring affixed with a “comically large diamond” and warned that the ring was “cursed” and would cause to rot the hand of any who would wear it.** Azareth reported that a man named Torok threatened to steal from any townsperson he found unconscious, and Watch Captain Ulysses stated that he had multiple reports of similar exchanges with Torok. Minister Oliver said that Torok would be brought in for questioning if he returned to Elmerton.

4. Minister Oliver clarified the purpose of the Town Watch: The Watch serves not to protect the town from outside forces – for this is a “city of heroes” – but to investigate crimes between townsfolk. The Watch has has no authority for summary judgement, and any crimes between townsfolk are to be reported to the Watch or the Minister. The Minister also pointed out that the Town Watch is recruiting.***

What follows are not properly Court Minutes, but instead “further reading” about the situations discussed at Court.

-Rybin vanHolt

*Hopeless individuals did appear through the Evernight Forest, in one instance seeming to come from the Age of Repose. It appears that helping them empowered the dream tokens, and after relaying many stories of hope to the Great Gloomis, he and the spreading circle of despair at the edge of town have both vanished.

**The ring was indeed found and worn by the orphan Sebastian, and his hand was indeed rotting, discolored and swollen. Sebastian claims the ring was found on a trail. After reporting to Galynn for to the return the ring and seek treatment, the afflicted was told he would have to bear the ring for another day before it would be removed.

*** I spoke with Watch Captain Ulysses about the composition of the Elmerton Town Watch, and where our tax money goes. The ranking officer is Commander Kai, with Captain Ulysses as second in command. The other officers of the Watch are Loxi, Silver, Kaiji, and Semaril. According to Ulysses, the duty of the Watch is to investigate crimes between townsfolk, not to fight off invaders. Ulysses echoed Minister Oliver’s words that “Elmerton is, after all, a town of heroes.” In addition to paying the individuals listed above, Ulysses explained that taxes collected by the the Watch pay for farm relief efforts and infrastructure projects such bridges and road maintenance. The Town Watch has 4 openings for provisional officers as of the time of this writing.

Magestry’s Best of Petalsong 124

Here are our picks for the Best of the May 2nd-4th, 2014 event:

Best PC May 2014This month’s Best PC is one who jumped into the game wholeheartedly not too long ago, but with so much energy that we are still happily reeling from it. We are very pleased to have Chris Galantich as Jansang at the game, and apparently so are you! Here are some comments from PELs about Chris’s performance this game:

-“Jan ,Orphan 57, was great all game, running amok and doing all of the things.”

-“His never ending enthusiasm and heart is really delightful to be around, and this game he did a great job organizing the new players and helping make sure they knew what was going on for final battle as well as trying to make sure the town was always fighting near the tourney field instead of in front of the tavern.”

-“Without a doubt this goes to Mr. Galantich as his wonderful orphan. He went through the entire game with an energy and enthusiasm that was just impossibly infectious. He offered his help whenever he could, fought with conviction, and more importantly, safety, and was just all around enjoyable to be around.”

-“Jansang’s energy was near unparalleled the entire event. He was always up for anything and gave 100 percent all the time. Plus he’s hilarious.”

Great job, Chris! Congratulations!

Best NPC May 2014



This month’s Best NPC is one of those NPCs you know you can always count on, no matter what needs doing. Casey Pastore really shined behind the scenes at last event as he helped out where he could, did whatever roles were asked of him, and made many PCs very happy just by being out in game. We are super glad to have him on staff and are grateful for everything he has done for us! Thanks, Casey!!

Player Submission: A Letter From the Magistrate

To my fellow citizens of Elmerton,

As your Magistrate, it has been brought to my attention that several of our fellow citizens were the victims of crimes last moon.  As such, I shall be holding court at approximately one bell past high sun on Wakingday at the amphitheater to deal with this matter as the incarnations see fit and allow victims to bring charges against their transgressors.

It was reported to me, that the possessions of several individuals went missing from their cabins.  In addition to this, several citizens were looted during battle with reports of fellow citizens being involved.

I wish to take this opportunity to educate and provide recourse for those that would prey on the heroes of Elmerton.  To educate, please realize, that the individuals that you steal from are indeed heroes, and I do not use the word heroes lightly.  These are the mortals who stood against and defeated Queen Amphelise the vampire queen who would subjugate nations.  They are also the heroes that defeated the Earth Caller Durias Unddybar, who attempted to merge dimensions with Magesta and stopped the deaths of thousands.  Some of these heroes fought the Sleeping Lord himself, and with it saved all of creation and advanced the Age of Fortune.  How dare anyone think that they should deprive any riches of these heroes.  For those that have stolen from our heroes, I can only consider you villainous in every manner of the word, and should the incarnations see fit, I shall reveal you and let the heroes decide how they should defeat you.

But as I also mentioned I would offer recourse, I shall allow any of the guilty to confess their crimes to me prior to high sun on Wakingday, so that the matter can be dealt with in a most honorable fashion and with mercy.  This first offer, my offer to deal with you in an honorable manner expires one minute past the sun reaching its peak and I shall turn my back on mercy towards these crimes moving forward.

As an additional offer to those that would remain in the shadows and stick to their villainous life, I make this offer to you.  If you must steal from a member of the town, do so from me directly.  I shall from this point forward carry a gold piece just for this necessity.  Should you have the desire to strike down a fellow townsperson, or to even rummage through their possessions while their blood spills for defending Elmerton, do it directly to me.  I shall reserve the wrath of the incarnations directly for you, villain.

From this point forward, I am suspending the sheriffs duties previously enacted during the Rites of Perdition, and I have approved the reinstatement of the town guard.  The town guard will be responsible for investigating crimes between citizens as well as being charged with investigating troubles as often comes to our town.  In this town of heroes, the town guard is not the substitution of heroic action. They are merely individuals who will strive to help the members of Elmerton above all else, and for that they have my respect.

My last plea is to the victims who have found their riches, be they coins, weapons, potions or jewels taken from them.  I shall do what I can to find the criminals who have taken items from you.  Currently, I have been given a list of suspects and shall share with the town guard so that they may investigate these crimes further.  Yet, my request is that you take it upon yourself to exercise the most minimal of precautions and hide your goods.  Treat them as the treasures that they are. Bury them, trap them, and protect them in some fashion other than leaving them in the wide open, only to find them gone and wondering who could have betrayed you and your apathy towards your gold.  At least make the effort to have good thieves work for their prizes, and do not let the pathetic ones profit from your foolishness.

Any other items that must be brought up at court should be brought directly to my attention either Gatheringday or Wakingday prior to court being called into session.  Although not mandatory, I am requesting a representative from any of the guilds of Elmerton be in attendance so that I might request council during our discussions.

And as always, thank you Elmerton for all the good works that you do.

Minister Oliver Finnesterra, Magistrate of Elmerton


Player Submission: Elmerton’s Smiths’ Guild No More!

ELMERTON – On the 4th of Petalsong,124 Age of Fortune, almost 127 years to the day from its founding on the 7th of Maygrelian (now known as Petalsong) in year  2004 Age of Arrival, the The Elmerton Smiths Guild, founded by Rakesh the Smith and Haku Steelwind with apprentice Kaybin Stormsill, is changing its name.


The meeting began with current members Rakesh, Lex, and Kendrik unanimously approving the admission of Janseng the Orphan as a Journeyman (Janseng, if someone is reading this to you, congratulations).

The next order of business was a motion to change the name of the organization from the Smiths Guild to the Metalworkers Guild, followed by motion of intent to build a “mechanical dragon-body” for the imp alchemist Pendel’s assistant Murray. Both motions passes unanimously.

It should be noted that this is not the first time residents of Elmerton promised to perform such a task. Several month prior to the founding of the Smiths Guild, Haku promised Pendel a “special metal dragon body for Murray” (see the Magestic Messenger Vol.I, Issue 6) Per Pendel and Murray’s requests, “fire-breathing” is a “mandatory” feature of the draconic from, with flight being “optional.”

Rybin vanHolt, Historian and Scholar

Player Submission: Scholar Seeks Help in Writing “A History of Elmerton”

To the Good People of Elmerton:

As many of you know, I, Rybin vanHolt, am recently arrived in Elmerton to study and record the amazing events to which residents of this small Irvanshirian town contribute. Events in Elmerton often have far reaching consequences that effect all of Irvanshire, Magesta, and even dimensions beyond!
You may not know it, but the Magestic Messenger is read far and wide, and is often the only source of reliable information about the happenings in Elmerton. I am here in an attempt to remedy that. I have talked to many of you in my efforts to compile information for my forthcoming book, tentatively titled “A History of Elmerton,” but there are many to whom I still wish to speak.
In particular, I am very interested in learning more about the early history of Elmerton, particularly its politics, and Elmerton’s connection to the elemental planes. Anyone with information or expertise in these areas is urged to contact me.
Rybin vanHolt, Historian & Scholar

PC Submission: Pit Fights to Occur in Elmerton, for the Honor of the Incarnation of War!

On the last day of Petalsong, a great tournament will be held in Elmerton to honor and glorify the Incarnation of War. This contest of martial prowess will take the form of traditional pit fights and will be held beneath  Armego’s banner at five bells past noon. Presiding over these pit fights will be the towns’ resident Warlords – Lex Mitorae and Tiberius Grimm. And why fight you may ask? Well for the sport of it of course! For the glory of crushing all other competitors beneath your boots, and to show the Incarnation of War that we are deserving of his blessing and power in the coming times of strife. All participants can sign up with Lex or Tiberius before the competition, the earlier the better.

Like any good pit fight a material prize is often customary in addition to the glory of victory. To this end we have a potion said to be crafted from the blood of the Incarnation of War himself. This potion when drank will inspire your spirit to heroic proportions for one hour, allowing you to accomplish goals far beyond mortal limits. Merchants tell me this potion costs than twelve gold on the open market and will remain potent and strong throughout this year. Additional prizes may be awarded dependent on turnout and the vigorous showing of those involved in the fighting, to be determined at the discretion of the judges. Additional gambling will be available on the sidelines for all those interested, please inquire with the judges before the fights for further information.

Small Town of Cyrodral Under Full Quarantine

A Tohmshirian man who contracted a rare case of an undead-based disease is expected to lose his mind to this illness in just a few short moons.

Rutherford Shadowblare, 59, was traveling through the small town of Cryodral where he believes he first contracted this illness. “I saw a large cloud spread throughout the town, at first I thought it was simply dust settling from the horses running by, but now I fear it was something much worse.”

Healers at a clinic near his home in Tohmshire, about 4 miles southeast of Cyrodral, first plaguedr_inkbelieved the man had come down with a rapid case of zombie rot, according to his nephew, Gibb Andrinos.

Several days later, his condition worsening, Rutherford returned to the clinic and was
rushed to a powerful local shaman who claimed he had never seen anything quite like this before.

“The shaman said there was not anything he could do,” Gibb said, adding that his uncle is expected to turn into a mindless, undead creature in the matter of a few short moons. “Uncle has had ups and downs, but he is very strong.”

Upon investigating Cryodral itself, we have found the town has had an astonishing 96 cases of this illness since Newgreen and amazingly all of the victims are for the most part functional. They have only grown more zombie-like as time passes. As to why it has taken the town this long to reach for help outside of their borders remains to be seen.

Upon looking to interview Magistrate Caleron of this town, we were only able to locate his wife and 15 year old daughter who claim he has not been around since Bloodthaw. The two seem to have taken on this illness as well as the rest of the town.

Unfortunately, as of the 7th of Petalsong, the town of Cyrodral has been issued a full quarantine while what the local healers are now calling the “Mind-eating Plague” is either cured, or has come to pass.  The healers are working tirelessly to assist the afflicted towns members and are showing no signs of contracting the plague themselves. Rutherford Shadowblare has been moved into the town of Cyrodral in an attempt to keep the Mind-eating Plague away from the rest of Tohmshire and its neighboring kingdoms.

In the meantime, any information on the whereabouts of Magistrate Caleron is asked to be given to the Royal Guard of Tohmshire. The Guard currently has very skilled trackers in search of him, though any information will certainly help to ease the mind of the Magistrate’s wife and young daughter.

Snozza Bowrinkle

Agent of Community

On the Creatures Known As “Gloam Grubs”

(On request of Minister Forgedheart, this is a re-print of a letter he sent to Minister Oliver Finnestera of the town of Elmerton in the South Farthings on the second day of Petalsong in this the 124th year of the Age of Fortune.)

Minister Oliver,

I wish to address the town of Elmerton regarding a situation that has recently caught my attention. A while ago, Elmerton created a shared Dream Space that was intended to protect your dreaming minds from the likes of the Harbinger (whom you know as “Mister Hi”) and Queen Amphelise. It has done its job and more, but now it is starting to deteriorate as it has come under an infestation of what are known as Gloam Grubs. These tiny creatures are generally seen during outbreaks of pestilence and in the area where Dreaming Minds are most potent. They feed on dream substance, and shadow when they can get it. As you can imagine, they are a constant nuisance in places like asylums, hospitals, and orphanages. Your shared Dream space, which apparently includes the Dreaming Minds of anyone who lives in the town, is rank with these Grubs. However, it is not entirely a bad thing.

The Good News: Gloam Grubs are extremely versatile in their uses. They produce a very strong type of silk made from Shadow and Dream that is primarily used for weaving magical netting, as well as for creating impassable boundaries and the like. However, due to the very Nature of their being, they are incredibly useful in a multitude of other applications as well. I would not be surprised if you had quite a few visitors in your town trying to collect them.

Devoter Warsson wishes me to inform you that one of the more remarkable uses of this little Grub is its ability, under the right circumstances, to create/become manifestations of various creatures of Nightmare on Magesta and that the banner he set up was expressly for the purpose of Fighting for Hyurog’s cause. As these creatures are generally hostile and will seek to fight as soon as they appear on Magesta, it seems appropriate to use them to empower War. For those who may be squeamish about killing creatures- it is important to note that these are temporary beings, manifested from pure energy and destined to die within ten minutes after they are created.

I have created the proper ritual site outside the Western boundaries of Elmerton (and therefore outside the “boundaries” of your shared Dream Space) in order to allow these instances of summoning to happen. If you wish to summon a creature or a group of creatures, here are the steps to follow

  • You must first Gather as many Grubs (make sure that you are fully able to Gather such things, otherwise they will burst, which is one of their means of reproduction) as you would like creatures to summon. This can be one or an entire group.
  • Next you will need to assign 1-3 Grubs to each person (the more Grubs per person, the more powerful the manifestation) and everyone who wishes to participate will need to head out of town to the ritual site I have prepared.
  • Each person must remain at the ritual site in a state of intense concentration for the entire time he or she wishes his or her Grub to remain manifest. Generally each Grub allows a creature to manifest for 10 minutes at a time. If you wish to manifest a creature for longer than that, you may use more than one Grub per person, and the time will increase accordingly.
  • The process of manifesting a creature is a taxing one and the Grub will therefore expire at the end of the process. You will not be able to use that Grub again.

    A Gloam Grub. This creature is capable of creating exceptionally strong silk as well as manifesting itself as various forms of Nightmares under the right circumstances.

    A Gloam Grub. This creature is capable of creating exceptionally strong silk as well as manifesting itself as various forms of Nightmares under the right circumstances.

Now for a bit of Bad News. Gloam Grubs, while having many positive qualities, are generally looked upon as a dangerous nuisance. As I have said, they feed on dream energies and, if allowed to cocoon and mature, they will grow into nasty creatures of Nightmare, fed on your deepest, most intense fears, dreams, and passions. They build their cocoons in the physical minds of those whose energies they are feeding on and when they hatch, it is many times directly out of the skull of that person, killing them and oftentimes rendering their mind permanently destroyed. With a shared dream space such as yours, I imagine it means that they will have access to any of the minds that currently share that space.


Additionally, there are folks who are able to manipulate well-fed Grubs into allowing them access into a person’s dreaming mind. Again, with your shared dream space, this means that there is potential for someone to gain access to all of your Dreaming Minds via these Grubs.

The Grubs are in the process of disintegrating your shared Dream Space (which they are already doing on their own, and will continue to do until the Space is gone), which is a good thing in my opinion, but since they multiply so rapidly, I would say do everything in your power to find these Grubs and use them to manifest creatures into your town. Not only will you be able to help empower the Incarnation of War, but allowing these Grubs to manifest is one of the safest and most effective ways known to destroy them.

I wish you Fortune’s Best with this situation, and please do not hesitate to send me word if you experience complications.


Tellah Forgedheart

Minister of Hatchport