Player Submission: A Call to Victory for Armego!

I have heard the debate regarding the Incarnation of War, and I believe that Armego should be fully restored.  Hyurog did act at the end the Age of Repose, changing the balance of Magesta.  This ushered in the thousand-year Age of War, but that was followed by the Age of Tears which lasted far longer.  As an orc who saw his entire clan killed, he lashed out in response.  However, instead of focusing his power on his clan’s destroyers, the Blood Orcs like those in the Dark Omen clan, he struck with a bloodthirsty wrath and terrible despair across all of Magesta, cursing the entire world with war that lasted for generations.


I have no doubt that War has some benefits.  It can be particularly good to those who are already powerful.  But I believe that another Age of War – call it an Age of Victory if you read the prophecy that way – would come at too great of a cost for all of Magesta.  Especially if the Incarnation of War that urges this on is possessed by the spirit of an orc that has already caused more harm than good in a similar situation.  And particularly if the Incarnation of War is allied with the Gatekeeper – a being who is trying to usurp the Incarnation of Death by taking many of those who die and absorbing their Spirit and Mind.  Supporting Hyurog will not make the survivors of this ongoing conflict trimmed and vibrant, it will leave the peoples of Magesta withered and broken.


The idea of improving oneself through hardship is an essential part of this world.  Whether your hardships are raids by warriors, diseased crops, complex ideas, complicated relationships, malevolent magics, or more, facing those hardships and overcoming them is worth it.  Not only will you grow and be empowered by your success, the world around you will be enhanced as well.


I do not think that this matter should be left to the Incarnations to sort out by themselves.  I live in this world, not away in Incarnia, and I will work to make it a better place even if that puts me at odds with some of our Incarnations and other powerful forces.  I will face any supporter of Hyurog that cares to seek me out, whether it is to trade words or blows.  I would also ask all Magestans to persevere, to strive mightily, and to defeat their adversaries in their own lives.  Have faith, and be your own Incarnation of Victory.


For Magesta!

Rakesh the Smith

A hero from Elmerton


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