PC Submission: Pit Fights to Occur in Elmerton, for the Honor of the Incarnation of War!

On the last day of Petalsong, a great tournament will be held in Elmerton to honor and glorify the Incarnation of War. This contest of martial prowess will take the form of traditional pit fights and will be held beneath  Armego’s banner at five bells past noon. Presiding over these pit fights will be the towns’ resident Warlords – Lex Mitorae and Tiberius Grimm. And why fight you may ask? Well for the sport of it of course! For the glory of crushing all other competitors beneath your boots, and to show the Incarnation of War that we are deserving of his blessing and power in the coming times of strife. All participants can sign up with Lex or Tiberius before the competition, the earlier the better.

Like any good pit fight a material prize is often customary in addition to the glory of victory. To this end we have a potion said to be crafted from the blood of the Incarnation of War himself. This potion when drank will inspire your spirit to heroic proportions for one hour, allowing you to accomplish goals far beyond mortal limits. Merchants tell me this potion costs than twelve gold on the open market and will remain potent and strong throughout this year. Additional prizes may be awarded dependent on turnout and the vigorous showing of those involved in the fighting, to be determined at the discretion of the judges. Additional gambling will be available on the sidelines for all those interested, please inquire with the judges before the fights for further information.

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