Small Town of Cyrodral Under Full Quarantine

A Tohmshirian man who contracted a rare case of an undead-based disease is expected to lose his mind to this illness in just a few short moons.

Rutherford Shadowblare, 59, was traveling through the small town of Cryodral where he believes he first contracted this illness. “I saw a large cloud spread throughout the town, at first I thought it was simply dust settling from the horses running by, but now I fear it was something much worse.”

Healers at a clinic near his home in Tohmshire, about 4 miles southeast of Cyrodral, first plaguedr_inkbelieved the man had come down with a rapid case of zombie rot, according to his nephew, Gibb Andrinos.

Several days later, his condition worsening, Rutherford returned to the clinic and was
rushed to a powerful local shaman who claimed he had never seen anything quite like this before.

“The shaman said there was not anything he could do,” Gibb said, adding that his uncle is expected to turn into a mindless, undead creature in the matter of a few short moons. “Uncle has had ups and downs, but he is very strong.”

Upon investigating Cryodral itself, we have found the town has had an astonishing 96 cases of this illness since Newgreen and amazingly all of the victims are for the most part functional. They have only grown more zombie-like as time passes. As to why it has taken the town this long to reach for help outside of their borders remains to be seen.

Upon looking to interview Magistrate Caleron of this town, we were only able to locate his wife and 15 year old daughter who claim he has not been around since Bloodthaw. The two seem to have taken on this illness as well as the rest of the town.

Unfortunately, as of the 7th of Petalsong, the town of Cyrodral has been issued a full quarantine while what the local healers are now calling the “Mind-eating Plague” is either cured, or has come to pass.  The healers are working tirelessly to assist the afflicted towns members and are showing no signs of contracting the plague themselves. Rutherford Shadowblare has been moved into the town of Cyrodral in an attempt to keep the Mind-eating Plague away from the rest of Tohmshire and its neighboring kingdoms.

In the meantime, any information on the whereabouts of Magistrate Caleron is asked to be given to the Royal Guard of Tohmshire. The Guard currently has very skilled trackers in search of him, though any information will certainly help to ease the mind of the Magistrate’s wife and young daughter.

Snozza Bowrinkle

Agent of Community

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