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- Commander Linarien on Elmerton: The Town of Heroes or Monsters?!
- Rakesh on Annual Brewers’ Auction to be Held in Elmerton On the 29th of Harvestwane!!!
- Patroklos Leo (Cutler Kindel) on The Magestream Episode 1-7
- Steph on The Magestream Episode 1-8
- Steph on The Magestream Episode 1-8
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Author Archives: Magestic Messenger
The war goes on. The destruction of the well was a huge boon to our cause but not the death blow of enemy. Though they have fallen silent as of recently, many of our rebel cousins still live and many of their abominations still draw breath. Skye knew better than to make her monsters her last line of defense. Many of my bloodline have fallen to defeat those who wish to have our family name fall into infamy.
The war goes on, hopefully Elmerton will continue to help.
Bosephus Blackgate
Magestry’s Best of 2015
Here are the winners of Magestry’s Best of 2015! Congratulations, all!
Best Role-Player (PC)– This is the PC who you think did the best overall job of role-playing in 2014.
Alex Fabian (Dogwood)
Best Boffer Fighter (PC)- This is the PC you think was the safest, cleanest, most rules-conscious, and overall best boffer fighter in 2014.
Pete Dey (Silver)
Most Fun Person to Fight (PC)- This is the PC that you think was the most fun to fight, be it in single combat or in a group.
Pete Dey (Silver)
Best Costume(s)/Props (PC)- There are some great costumes out there. Whose do you think was the best this year?
Amanda Mooney (Mira)
Rookie of the Year (PC)- This is a player that started anytime in 2014 that you feel made the most positive impact at Magestry, whether in-game or out-of game. In order to be eligible for this prize, you need to have played at least 2 Magestry games during 2014. Our Rookies this year include the following players:
Sage Barton (Achille)
The Unsung Hero- This is the player character who, though he or she is often not in the spotlight, made a big difference to the game and the world around him/herself this year.
Kenny Rocci (Azareth)
The Thinker of the Year– This is the character most likely to think before he or she acts.
Andy Doucette (Rybin vanHolt)
The Doer of the Year- This is the character most likely to act before he or she thinks.
Sam Champagne (Arvilli)
Most Inspiring- This is the player character that you think is the most influential or inspiring to your character this year.
Steph Lindquist (Linarien)
Town Scoundrel- [skoun-druh’l] an unprincipled, dishonorable person; a villain- Which of our sweet, innocent townsfolk (PC) do you think best fits this description?
Marque Sterling (Sebastian Dark)
Good Samaritan- This character is constantly doing good for others and taking care of his or her town and its members for little to no reward.
Tonya Mathiason (Aralia)
Rookie of the Year (NPC)- This is the NPC that started anytime in 2014 that you feel made the most positive impact at Magestry, whether in-game or out-of game. In order to be eligible for this prize, you need to have started in 2014 and NPC’d at least 2 Magestry games during 2014. Our NPC Rookies this year include:
Sam Wagner
Best Role-Player (NPC)- This is the staff member that you think did the best overall job of role-playing in 2014.
Nick Donoghue
Favorite Plot- What was your favorite plot/storyline of 2014?
The Burrow
Favorite Villain- This villain may be well developed, she may be charismatic and charming, he may be mean as a snake and ugly to boot, but no matter what, he exhibits all the qualities that you have come to expect from the perfect villain. Who is it?
Carzon Sadzar
Favorite NPC- This is your favorite Non-Player Character (not staff member) that you have seen in game in 2014.
Most Feared NPC- This character sends shivers down your spine when you think of him or her and makes you run for the hills (or under tables) when he or she comes out… Who is it?
Carzon Sadzar
Most Fun Staff Member to Fight- Which of our staff members was the most fun to fight this year?
Kyle Church
Anthony LaRosa Service Award: A special award voted on by the staff that awards the PC who really helped the game before, during, and after the events. This award goes to the PC who truly exemplifies what Magestry values in all of our players- Initiative, Helpfulness, Friendliness, Love of the Game, and Consistency in Attendance and Good Role-playing.
Sage Barton
Magestry NPC MVP Award: A special award voted on by the GMs that awards the NPC that truly exemplifies the traits Magestry looks for in its staff members. This NPC looks to help write plots, plays crunchies, wears masks and/or makeup whenever necessary, helps to set up and take down mods, and tries to be as helpful and inspiring to others as possible, all with a smile and a great attitude. Whoever you are, we want to clone you!!
Dave Kopchick
Magestry 2016 Winter Party Raffle
The Magestry Winter Party is less than 2 weeks away, and that means it is time to tell you about this year’s radical Raffle Prizes! But first, a bit about how the raffle works:
Raffle Tickets are $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00, and you will earn one Brownie Point for every dollar you spend whether you win or lose the drawings. You may purchase raffle tickets online or at the party itself. To buy tickets online, go to Magestry.com, press the button labelled “$5 for 2 Tickets,” and select the number of pairs of tickets you would like to purchase.
You can buy tickets online until the party begins (3PM on Saturday, January 30). After that, you can purchase tickets at the party for the same price by seeing one of the GMs. (We will be able to accept cash, check, or credit.) If you can’t make it to the party but would still like to enter the raffle, you can instruct us as to which lots you would like your tickets to be put into by emailing [email protected]. The drawing will begin around 8:30pm on January 30th.
** Multiple Draw Categories**
All of the categories in the raffle will feature multiple drawings! This means that several winners will be drawn from each category. The first winner in each category will get what we have deemed the top prize, and each winner after that will receive prizes in descending order of distinction. For example, the first name drawn in the “Skill Points” category will win 75 skill points, while the second name drawn will win 50 skill points; etc. Each person will only be able to win once in each category. We will allow winners to trade their winning prize for a prize of less distinction if they wish. For example, if your name was drawn second in the “Divine Intervention” category, but you would rather have the 4th prize in the category, you may relinquish your 2nd Draw prize and take the 4th draw prize, instead. You may also trade prizes with someone after the party if you and the other person both agree, but you may not trade to end up with 2 prizes from the same category.
We rely on the Raffle to be Magestry’s best fundraiser of the year. It will determine what kinds of neato things we can do for the game in the coming 2 seasons, and we have big plans in the works, so please dig deep! Now, without further ado, allow us to introduce this year’s Winter Party Raffle prizes!
**Lot 1: Skill Points!**
-1st Draw: 75 Skill Points
-2nd Draw: 50 Skill Points
-3rd Draw: 45 Skill Points
-4th Draw: 40 Skill Points
-5th Draw: 35 Skill Points
-6th Draw: 30 Skill Points
-7th Draw: 25 Skill Points
-8th Draw: 25 Skill Points
-9th Draw: 25 Skill Points
-10th Draw: 25 Skill Points
**Lot 2: See That Glowing?**
For all of 2016, any weapon you wield is considered to be under the effect of one type of weapon enchantment spell (determined by the drawing you win). However, this effect is considered to have no Base Mode, meaning it will not prevent any other weapon enchantment from affecting your weapon. (Each individual attack may only carry one Effect Type as usual, but you can switch at will between the temporary enchantment, normal “Body” attacks, and the permanent enchantment from this prize.) This ability cannot be used in a Dampening Field, and if you are successfully affected by a Dampen or Dispel Magic effect, this ability will be shut off for 5 minutes.
-1st Draw: Spiritual Weapon
-2nd Draw: Psychic Weapon
-3rd Draw: Essence Weapon
-4th Draw: Fire Weapon
-5th Draw: Ice Weapon
-6th Draw: Lightning Weapon
-7th Draw: Acid Weapon
**Lot 3: Can-Do Attitude**
For all of 2016, you gain a particular skill as a Cantrip option (determined by the drawing you win).
-1st Draw: Dodge (except you will call “No Effect” instead of “Dodge” if using Dodge as a Cantrip)
-2nd Draw: Cure Wounds 2
-3rd Draw: Fire Flash (“Damage 2, Fire 0”)
-4th Draw: Damage Reduction 1
-5th Draw: Magic Shield
-6th Draw: Choose One Cantrip from Rulebook
-7th Draw: Choose One Cantrip from Rulebook
**Lot 4: Power, Knowledge, and Fame!**
-1st Draw: Incarnation for a Day! For a Saturday of the staff’s choosing, the station of one of the incarnations will slip away and mistakenly choose you as a host. How will you treat the worshippers and enemies who come looking for you? Your decisions will have a lasting impact.
-2nd Draw: Power Word, “Snooze”: One gesture-based casting of, “Sleep, Psychic 5.” (Must be used in 2016. If ineffective, the spell is returned to you, but you may not attempt it on the same target more than once in the same day.)
-3rd Draw: Become Private Enemy Number One! An organization, perhaps villainous and perhaps not, finds reason to hate you. Maybe it’s the fault of your long deceased ancestor. Maybe you just asked the wrong question and got too close to the truth. Whatever the reason, you’d better watch your back!
-4th Draw: Receive special knowledge about the current plotline of your choice. (Please notify Paul with your plotline choice at least one week before the event in which you wish to receive the information. This prize must be used in 2016.)
-5th Draw: Power Word, “SQUIRREL!”: One gesture-based casting of, “Confuse, Psychic 5.” (Must be used in 2016. If ineffective, the spell is returned to you, but you may not attempt it on the same target more than once in the same day.)
**Lot 5: Vinneus Plump’s Fanny Pack**
-1st Draw: Fistful of Crowns: Plunge one bare hand into a container of gold coins and pull out as many as you can (you may not throw them). Walk the coins across the hall, using only your one bare hand to hold them, and keep as many as you can drop into the waiting counting box. Any that you drop on the floor along the way are lost to you. (If you aren’t present for this drawing, you will automatically get another prize in this lot.)
-2nd Draw: Fistful of Nobles: Plunge one bare hand into a container of silver coins and pull out as many as you can (you may not throw them). Walk the coins across the hall, using only your one bare hand to hold them, and keep as many as you can drop into the waiting counting box. Any that you drop on the floor along the way are lost to you. (If you aren’t present for this drawing, you will automatically get another prize in this lot.)
-3rd Draw: 12 gold pieces
-4th Draw: 10 gold pieces
-5th Draw: 9 gold pieces
-6th Draw: 8 gold pieces
-7th Draw: 7 gold pieces
-8th Draw: 6 gold pieces
-9th Draw: 5 gold pieces
**Lot 6: Divine Intervention**
-1st Draw: One Wish Spell. If you find yourself in need of a wish, ask a GM if you can use this spell to get it. Certain things are obviously not possible with this spell, but we guarantee you will find a use that is well worth it.
-2nd draw: Learn an Add-On Skill in the school of your choice. (learned immediately)
-3rd Draw: A single event with a 4500 Skill Point character build of your choice to replace your normal character skills. (You must notify the GMs at least one week before you use this prize in-game and this prize must be redeemed in 2016.)
-4th Draw: Benefit from the spell Regeneration for an entire day of your choice. Dispel Magic at Power Level 3 or higher will turn this effect off for 10 minutes; though, if you die, you may proceed to benefit from it even after you return from Vorkarian. (You must notify the GMs at least one week before you use this prize in-game and this prize must be redeemed in 2016.)
-5th Draw: A single use of any skill from the Magestry Player’s Rulebook or from the Professions & Prestige rule supplement. (This prize must be redeemed in 2016. Please notify Paul by email after the game that you use it.)
**Lot 7: Potion Grab Bag (Alchemy and Toxicology Grades 6-10)**
(If you are not able to be at the party or will not be present for the drawing, we will have someone draw for you.)
-1st Draw: 8 pulls from the Grab Bag + Minor Magic Item (You work with the staff to design it!)
-2nd Draw: 7 pulls from the Grab Bag
-3rd Draw: 6 pulls from the Grab Bag
-4th Draw: 5 pulls from the Grab Bag
-5th Draw: 4 pulls from the Grab Bag
-6th Draw: 3 pulls from the Grab Bag
**Lot 8: Adventure Time!**
-Draws 1-3: A Tabletop Magestry Adventure!- That’s right: A one-day tabletop Magestry game written and run for you (and your choice of up to 4 friends) by one of Magestry’s GMs. Each person, including the people the winners choose, may only be involved in one game.
Thanks Be to Elmerton!
(The following has been taken from an unsealed, unmarked scroll found outside the Messengers’ Guild Outpost near Elmerton.)
Thanks be to the heroes of Elmerton!
Due to their assistance in the destruction of the shadow well that our rebel cousins used to create the abominations that devastated our ranks, we are finally making roads to victory.
The winter has been tough as usual but we have won many more fights than we have lost and are now pushing to Skye’s stronghold. Bosephus and Boom keep saying the time isn’t yet right for a total frontal attack to crush Skye but we are itching for a fight!
At any rate, thanks Elmerton!!!
Brody Marie Blackgate
Magestry’s Best of Boneharvest 2015
Here are our picks for the “Best of ” the November 6th- 8th event:
This month’s Best PC has been with us and has been playing the same character for 11 years! Whitney Sternberg as Lilly has been a notable and wonderful PC during that time. We had the pleasure of watching as Whitney really came into her own at Magestry, and we have been continually impressed by her dedication to her character, her role-playing experiences, and the game itself. This game, too, left us impressed and grateful to have been able to have been a part of the storyline that Whitney helped us weave. Though we are looking forward to her new character and to the new stories and characters she will undoubtedly bring to the game, we would also like to bid a fond farewell to one of the few remaining folks from Elmerton’s early days. Whit, thanks for all you’ve done for the game! We’re looking forward to future interactions!
“My favorite PC was Lilly. I have never spent any time with her before and I got to know her a lot better this game. I got to go on a secretive plot with her and she gave me some pointers and tips and things to work on which I found very helpful and informative.”
“Lilly was also very helpful this game, answering a lot of in-game questions I had and inviting me to a secret organization I am still not sure if I want any part of.”
“Lilly. Besides this being her last game, almost every plot point I was involved in, she was as well, which showed me how deep her roots were.”
This month’s Best NPC was technically not an NPC, since he paid to PC the event, but given the amount of time and energy he gave to us over the course of the weekend, he might as well have been! Jeff Mitchell was an incredible help to us this event. He played several important roles incredibly well, helped us write plot, and even gave us some crunchy time in between plots. Jeff has consistently been a HUGE help to Magestry, an incredible role-player in all his roles, and a truly snappy dresser, putting thought, time, and energy into each of the characters he plays. He does all this selflessly and with the intention of making the game even better. Thank you for all your hard work and energy, Jeff! We truly appreciate it!
“I am picking Jeff this game. I feel like I just expect his amazing character portrayal, but he really brings it to the front sometimes. I like him because he is always responsible, safe, and involved.”
“Oliver – he has a mastery of diplomacy and political interaction that I admire.”
“Jeff Mitchell – per normal he was exceptional, and great at helping out via NPCing.”
The Festival of Souls and Its Traditions
The end of Reapingdusk and the beginning of Boneharvest is a time of year that is uniquely identified by both tradition and circumstance. It is during this time that the Spirit Realm most closely overlaps Magesta and the time when the veil separating the two Realms thins and flutters. Spirits- friendly, hungry, angry, curious, and restless- walk the world, their purposes as unique as they are. It is during this time that we are also able to experience the various imprints that inhabitants of this world have left on the world around them. These are known as Souls and they differ from Spirits, though exactly how they differ is not 100% certain.
The most popular understanding is that a soul is a kind of reverse projection of a spirit that resides in the Spirit Realm or possibly elsewhere. By reverse, it is meant that one’s spirit is the very definition of the self, which is mostly determined by how he understands himself or how he is understood by higher powers than himself. A soul, on the other hand, is the projection of how others understand and understood that spirit. These “others” are generally thought to be that spirit’s peers or lessers. During the Festival of Souls, it is our privilege and honor to be able to experience these moments in people’s lives and to remember their time on this world.
Many folks throughout Magesta have different ways of celebrating this solemn and sacred time of year. One widely practiced tradition is that of Ayslee. Started by the fae as a means of allowing the fae children created during Ayawe (the Spring celebration of Life) to pass into the Fae Realm and be taken into one of the Fae Houses there, it has also been used as a ceremony of remembrance, mourning, and celebration of the passing of our loved ones to the Spirit Realm. Dolls are made out of the dead and dying crops and plant life, and a solemn procession is made to a fire. There, around the fire, those gathered will toss their dolls into the flames and recount tales of their loss, sing songs, or simply allow grief to pass. Though originally a fae celebration, it has since become a tradition for much of Magesta as well.
In many areas, the carving of pumpkins or gourds is traditional. It is common to carve faces, protective runes, and designs into a hollowed out gourd and then to put a candle inside it and place it in a window or on the porch of your house. This tradition started as a means of keeping Wandering Jack, a thrice-cursed spirit who prowls through the world carrying a lantern made from a carved turnip away from your house and loved ones. Superstition says that if your household does not bear one of these lanterns, Wandering Jack will find you and your Spirit will be in danger of being fed to his Abyssal Hounds. Beware the howling dog, for it is said that it heralds the approach of Wandering Jack.
Around the world you can find practices that show the deep respect and even fear that Magestans have for the long dead around us. In some places, fruits, gifts, breads, are placed at shrines and altars in an attempt to welcome and honor Magesta-bound, wandering spirits and remind them of their time alive. It is also a means to try and satisfy their spiritual hunger and fill them with a sense of belonging and gratitude.
And finally, in some parts of the world, you will see the streets filled with people in costume, gallivanting and celebrating. It is said that dressing up as the various creatures wandering the earth would fool the evil spirits into thinking that you were one of them so that they would not try to take you away with them. There are also superstitions that claim that the visiting spirits could disguise themselves in human form, such as a beggar, and knock on your door during the Festival of Souls asking for money or food. If you turned them away empty-handed, you risked receiving the wrath of the spirit and being cursed or haunted.
With so many interesting traditions and experiences, it is no wonder that the Festival of Souls is such an honored and much-loved time of year. I wish you the best during these days, and hope your celebrations and traditions are wonderful.
Fervent Umi Vashgarden
Hearkin on the Run!
You were so very close to being able to being able to wrest the Dream Reaver completely from the control of Dreamweaver Hearkin. From what I can tell you were eight or so threads short of granting it complete freedom. As it stands, Hearkin still maintains some control over the Reaver and she will still be a problem for you and the rest of Magesta once she has time to tend her wounds.
However, you should know that it was smart to let her live- for now. Members of the Hearkin line have been cursed to serve the Gatekeeper and simply killing them will not remove them from their posts. Doing so would only have triggered a contingency that would have undoubtedly turned the Dream Reaver against you completely, and her command would almost certainly have been to destroy you. You must devise a way to remove her from her post and strip her of her connection to both Brimm and the Gatekeeper, similarly to the way you managed Lt. Hearkin. The sooner you can do this, while she’s more vulnerable, the better.
I will do what I can to help,
Minister Tellah Forgedheart
Elmerton to Host Gauntlet Run
Thank you for hosting the Warden’s Gauntlet Run in which several runners will be making the second check point in their race on the 7th day of Boneharvest. Mistress Skye has recommended Elmerton as a checkpoint specifically for the unique ability of its inhabitants to interfere and present highly defensible and deadly obstacles for the runners. As our contestants have been told that you are exceedingly hostile and aggressive, they will be very vigilant and will be looking to gain the upper hand in making it through the Gauntlet. It is in your best interest to to defend one another to prevent any unfortunate incidents during this event, and we are interested in seeing which of our runners survives the night.
Neither participation nor aloof observation offers guarantee of safety from any of the contestants or their pursuers.
-Warden Lyrissa
Magestry’s Best of Reapingdusk 125
Here are our picks for the Best of the October 16th-18th event:
This month’s Best PC has been an asset to the game since he started NPCing with us a few years ago. However, this event Andy Doucette was truly amazing as Super Rybin vanHolt! We have been impressed with his role-playing ability for a while, but we have truly come to appreciate the hard work and dedication he puts into his character from non-stop note-taking to collecting taxes to stepping up to take charge with Fortune’s Vanguard and the new players. We are especially appreciative of his work on keeping the storylines of our various plots cohesive and helping to keep all the players informed. Andy, we are so glad to have you at game. Thanks!
Rybin did a fabulous job this game, he did really great role-playing his winter party skill point prize, and keeping everyone informed about what’s going on. He’s become an integral part of the town.
Rybin was really awesome acting crazy.
#1 was Rybin. He was such a solid presence, and personally gave me the opportunity to participate in a quest when it may have been tactically better to bring in a more powerful party. He not only involved me, but made sure I got out alive, and allowed me a critical role in a tight spot. That was awesome.
Rybin for great roleplaying of being overjuiced.
It’s not something we have ever done, but we feel as though it is warranted this event: Taking Best NPC for an unprecedented two games in a row is none other than Dave Kopchick! Dave has really worked hard since joining the staff to not only keep us on our toes, but to learn as much as he can about the rules, the previous plots, and all the lore that has been going on at game, as well as writing his own stuff. He busted his butt to get things done before game, showing up hours and hours early, then worked hard all event crunching, making sure plots got out, and keeping up morale, and then stayed late after game to help get things completely cleaned up. He has been a wonderful addition to the team and we are extremely grateful to him for his help. Thanks, Dave!
Dave K – Great to see him in game, he’s a veteran with a lot of skill and always has a smile
I hate to sound like a broken record, but Dave again. [He] continues to stand out from the crowd and does a great job as both serious face characters and as slapstick crunchies (and the occasional slapstick face character and serious crunchy).
Dave continues to amuse me every time he comes down. I think my favorite appearance was when he came down as Dave Kopchick and proceeded to be killed by town. So sad.
A Howl in the Night
A howl echoed across the land, so loud it seemed to shake the trees and the stars around the full moon. But this howl was not full of rage like most people have heard; it was a call full of longing and welcome. Those werewolves created by the Great Alpha heard this call and headed towards it, and even some of those not created by the Great Alpha were stirred to investigate the source. I, Matrius, was also moved by this howl, and decided to see what was happening. This is my account.
In a clearing not far from the town of Elmerton, standing before a bonfire, stoic and waiting, was Palgar, brother of Renwar of House Lav’Endros. I managed to find a well-hidden spot in order to see what was happening. I may have great ties to the moon, to be sure, but trying to explain that to a group of confused and hungry werewolves; well, I was not going to take that chance. Little by little, werewolves from across Irvanshire entered the clearing. Some came in pairs and others in small groups. Still others came alone. I recognized that most of the pack that had aligned themselves with the White Wolf were present, but there were a great many werewolves from other packs as well. As the clearing filled up and the trickle of werewolves entering the clearing slowed, tensions, and hackles, began to rise as the territorial creatures vied for space in the crowd. All notice of Palgar seemed to be lost in the throes of chaos until he raised his arms as if to spread a calm over the clearing. The ruckus calmed and eventually the clearing became utterly silent while everyone turned his or her focus to Palgar.
“My family,” he began, his voice ringing throughout the clearing. “Thank you for answering my call. To those of you whose creation was not by my hand, I bid you welcome. I am Palgar. I am known as the White Wolf, and I am the embodiment of the Great Alpha.” Some murmurs rippled through the clearing, but were quickly silenced. “However, I am not the Great Alpha that many of you have been recently aware of. The rage that has blinded me for decades has been purged from me, and with that, I have found a new clarity. I have discovered a longing to help our kind become more than mindless animals that kill without regard for hunger or for sport, but a true cross between human and wolf. The werewolf needs a place in this world, free of fear from not only those that would hunt us, but from the fear, rage, and bloodlust that runs through our veins. For, though we come from different packs, we all share this curse, this disease, but it is my hope that this shared ailment will come to create a strong bond between us. It is my goal to help those of us who wish to control the monster within and embrace the wolf to do so – and to find a family in the meantime.”
Some among the gathering of werewolves and men howled or cheered hopefully, while some scoffed and scorned his message, calling him blinded by hope and optimism. Still others lay silent, curious as to what else Palgar had to say.
“I have seen a path of death for us if we do not change. There are many out there who have and will take the sword to us, simply because we are werewolves, with no regard to our human personage or our lives. And I say this has to stop now. We shall form a new pack, here and now. Those of you that wish to stay, I welcome you as my family. Those of you that wish to go, I hope you live long lives, but I wish that you will come to see that this is the best way for us to survive, to grow, and to become stronger than any werewolf has ever been alone. However, it is not my intent to use this power to ravage and kill, but to defend our family and protect the land that has given us this gift. Those that leave will not be hunted by us, but do not think that you will be allowed to prey upon us; you will quickly find that to be your last mistake in this world.”
The words were barely out of his mouth when a huge monster of a werewolf started charging towards Palgar, snarling, a vicious howl half-formed on his lips. He attacked with blinding speed, but was met halfway by Palgar and thrown violently to the ground. As the wolf lay pinned and struggling beneath the hand of Palgar, the latter sighed and bowed his head and muttered something under his breath. Within seconds, the werewolf had turned back into a large man. Palgar bared his teeth in a solemn snarl and said reprovingly, “Leave. Now. I will not kill you, unless you try to attack me or my family again. Then I will remove you like a healer removes a canker.”
As the large man stomped out of the clearing, followed by several snarling, snapping werewolves, Palgar turned to the others. “There has been far too much killing and death. Let our new path change those ways, and possibly change those that think of us only as cursed creatures. Now is the time to choose. What path shall you walk from this time forth?” The air seemed to clear suddenly and many of the werewolves slunk away from the clearing, howling as they made their way back to their own territories. However, there were a few who stayed close to Palgar and the fire.
I must admit, I was stunned to see how many remained – werewolves are generally not creatures that can be reasoned with. However, it was at that point that I started to notice something different about Palgar- a slight golden glow that seemed to be coming from him. I was so puzzled by this, I almost missed what Palgar said next.
“My family, we have much to do. But I shall watch over and guide you. I shall always be here to help and protect you. As a pack, we need to be strong together. My time is nearing its end here. With my passing, I shall share with you what was given to me. I hope that it helps you all as it has helped me.”
It seemed that everyone gathered could now see the golden glow around Palgar. It became stronger and took shape in the outline of a wolf. With another howl full of warmth and longing, Palgar turned and walked into the darkness of the night, his golden wolf form lingering behind him, gazing at all those gathered there. The golden, wolfish outline grew and circled the gathering before lying down and engulfing the entire pack, myself included, in its glowing form. As the glow slowly faded, I was filled with the knowledge the pack would need in order to begin its quest for control. And though Palgar’s form seemed to have disappeared into the night, we knew that when they have need of him, the Great Alpha will be there.