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Category Archives: In-Game PC Submissions
Player Submission: Point Edgar Woman Goes Missing!
Outspoken critic of the king’s recent decrees, Sable Melas, has recently been reported as missing. Her last known location appears to be the site of other reported disappearances in the last few months. Ongoing investigations up to this point have been inconclusive but there has been no evidence of foul play, though the family suspects otherwise.
If you have any information, please contact the Melas family in Point Edgar.
Player Submission: Common Man’s Guide to the Evernight
At the end of the Age of Arrival, the town of Elmerton was ripped from Magesta and brought to Mongrella to defeat the Sleeping Lord Villarious. When the Elmerton was ripped from Magesta, what was left behind is known as the Evernight Forest. The Evernight is a lightless, soundless forest. Many who enter are lost, never to be seen again, but many other have appeared in Elmerton since it’s reappearance in 118 Age of Fortune.
According to what Elmertonians were told at the time, there were two timestreams of the History of Magesta and at the end of the age of Arrival, these somehow merged into one. Only those who were not present on Magesta at the end of the Age of Arrival have intact memories from before the merging. In most cases, the two different versions of a person merge, but sometimes two different versions of a person arrive out of the Evernight as separate people.
Two old men named Evernight Morris and Pep reside in the Evernight. They have helped the town at various times. Together they have been able to bind bits of the Evernight to Elmertonians to allow them to be Everguides. Everguides are able to see and hear in the Evernight and are able to navigate it to a limited degree. Current Everguides is town currently or recently are Solun, Dante, Scindo, Galynn, Alianora, and Felix.
Pep is a Mavin – a former Steward of Magic – and as such has access to the memories of every Steward of Magic that ever lived, including Sadius, the creator of Magesta. Morris, however, is a relative unknown. According to Everguide Scindo, Morris has no memories during the time period between the departure of Elmerton to its return 117 years later. When Scindo asked Pep flatly “what is Morris” Pep’s reply was “what do you want him to be?” Scindo said he “is not convinced that [Pep’s reply] was not an answer.” Scindo and Galynn suspect the possibility that Morris and Pep respectively are future versions of themselves, there is reason to believe that Morris is a manifestation of the Evernight itself.
Through the Evernight it is possible to travel to other places and times although usually not far from Elmerton, Only Everguides have been able to navigate the paths with any control or purpose. Recently the Everguides were asked by Morris to blaze a path to the Bloodwaters so other people in Elmerton can get to them. Felix has succeeded in doing so, it is now possible with Everguide assistance to walk the path to the time at Shrieber’s Farm when the clear Bloodwaters were manifest and for people find the bloodwater color to which they are attuned.
The Dawnbreakers were an organization created by House Windlock to protect and police the Evernight Forest. Over the course of more than a century, oversight became lax and the job became an easy one causing numbers swell and the Dawnbreakers to became careless. When the town of Elmerton returned and displaced the Evernight, most of the Dawnbeakers inside the Evernight died.
With most Dawnbreakers dead, and Elmerton where the Evernight once stood, Countess Teadei Windlock disbanded the organization on the 1st of Newgreen, 118 AoF. The Dawnbreakers came to capture Morris at some point, but were defeated by the town of Elmerton. My knowledge of the incident remains limited to Scindo saying that Morris claimed he “didn’t want to go back.”
The destruction of the Dawnbreakers caused the creation of a new entity, Byron. Byron is a Dusk Night currently residing in a house in the Evernight. Dusk Nights are created when a large number of people die simultaneously (often in battle, hence “knight”) at the Shadowstream (i.e “dusk”) When the town was seeking Byron’s aid, he was asked what he wanted. He expressed a desire for the Darkwalker , described in detail below. The incarnation of Pestilence, Morkanthos, was recently trapped in Byron’s basement, but has since been released.
The Darkwalker is a “golem-like” being built by the Shadow Smith Sardkern Scurath. He did so while under the mental and physical control of a cult of madmen known as the Ashynnied. The Ashynnied worship and are controlled by a what they call “The Darkness” but is in actuality 3 distinct beings, temporal doppelgangers assuming the form of “Dark Stars”. The Darkwalker is a conduit from the Evernight to the Shadow Realm that currently is a one-way trip that can only be used by “marked members” of the Ashynnied. That could change to be a two way conduit, but the Shadow Smith created a “failsafe” such that a single person or group could not entirely control the Darkwalker.
Several parties are interested in controlling the Darkwalker. As mentioned above, Byron is one such party. Rebekah Sky – matriarch of the cannibalistic Blackgates below elmerton and one of the main contenders to the be the next Shadow Queen – is another. Anyone else who would seek to be Shadow Queen of Shadow Consort would also be interested in the Darkwalker. Of course, anyone else interested in quick passage between the Evernight and the Shadow Realm would find controlling the Darkwalker advantageous. A shadowmancer from the Dimension of Daent his tried to take control of the Darkwalker to return home.
The only other known residents of the Evernight are creatures with “skull-like visages” and protruding horns and teeth known to the town as Filchers. Filchers with different color faces have different abilities Blue ones seem to have psychic powers, with a noted focus on delusions. Brown ones appear as patches of darkness moving low to the ground, with the Filcher itself popping out only briefly to to take a look around or steal small objects. This may be the reason for the name “Filcher.” While cloaked in darkness, brown Filchers are not affected by attacks or spells, save for the spell Dismissal, which forces the darkness back, exposing the Filcher for a brief time.
Filchers with red markings are competent fighters, but are seemingly displaced in time, reacting to attacks and spells before or after the attacks take place (from an observer’s perspective) According to Galynn’s diagnosis spell, they suffer from a “temporal abnormality.” Red Filchers may react to some stimuli immediately, some stimuli after a delay and some stimuli before the cause occurred.
For more information, consult an Everguide (Solun, Dante, Scindo, Galynn, Alianora, or Felix.)
Yours in Knowledge,
Rybin vanHolt
Historian and Scholar
Player Submission: Picnic in the North Woods of Elmerton!
Come join us around noon on Wakingday, the 28th of Petalsong, for a Peaceful meal in Greenshadow. You are more than welcome to bring food and drink of your own if you wish. For those of you with hammocks, feel free to bring them.
May Gwendolar bless this day with beautiful weather.
-Linarien Cedarwind
Player Submission: NOW HIRING!
Aces After Dark is looking to hire a new restaurant and bar crew as it plans an expansion to Tradegate. We’re currently looking to hire these, and other positions:
– Managers
– Cooks
– Servers
– Bartenders
– Custodial Staff
A guaranteed interview with the classy establishment’s management will occur on Wakingday this Petalsong the 28th between the hours of 10-noon. All interested parties are welcome.
If you cannot attend this open session, please submit all applications via the Messenger’s Guild to Management at Aces After Dark in Elmerton.
Player Submission: An Open Letter to My Friends in Elmerton
My dear friends and residents of Elmerton,
It is with a heavy heart I must say ‘Farewell’ for an indefinite amount of time. Taking Aralia’s advice, I’ve decided to search for my father after many moons with no response to my attempts to reach him. It’s very unlike him to not answer, and I have not seen him in any of the places we used to frequent at certain times of the year…
I hope for the best for everyone in all of your endeavors. Incarnations know I will certainly worry about all of you while I’m away…
With love and hope to see you all soon,
Remari Wintercress
Player Submission: Common Man’s Guide to Dream Creatures
Dream creatures of all sorts are becoming more and more common these days, and thus the common man needs to know how to interact with them and how to defend oneself if necessary.
As you may know, Magesta has it’s own dream realm, conveniently called “the Dream Realm”. When someone from Magestra dreams, the Dream Realm is where they go. Brimm is a different dream realm, a shared realm where people from a number of dimensions that don’t have their own dream realms go to dream. Brimm is home to a number of creatures that you may have heard of, such as Smiggets, Dozers, Jabberwockeys, and Jub-Jub birds. Many of these creatures are Tane.
Tane are dream creatures from Brimm that are shapechangers: they can change their form and mimic others. However, if a normally flighty and changeable Tane gets it in its head to be a specific thing, it is possible for it to — with dedication and effort — actually fundamentally change to become that other thing.
In part because of the influence of the Gatekeeper and his Dreamweaver, Hearkin, many of the dream creatures one encounters these days on Magesta are actually from Brimm.
You see, in order to usurp the natural order of things on Magesta and become the Incarnation of Death, the Gatekeeper must also usurp the mantle of the Incarnation of Dream, since Death and Dream together are what is known as a liminal (one being with two forms). The Gatekeeper is using the changeable nature of Tane to convince a pair of Tane to become the Incarnations of Death and Dream. If successful, he plans to take the Incarnationhood from the Death Tane. Thus, the Gatekeeper and his allies are shaping Tane and other inhabitants of Brimm to suit their own goals.
Tane are not inherently hostile, and most are intensely curious about whatever it is that they are choosing to be. Once they have chosen to become something else, they are not easily discouraged, but can sometimes be sidetracked by convincing them that a certain course of action is necessary in order to reach their desired goal.
Unlike other shapechangers, or undercover agents of the Portal Authority for that matter, a Tane has to identify itself as a Tane if asked directly. “Are you a Tane?” works wonders. How is this useful you might ask? Being dream creatures, Tane have some inherent weaknesses.
The most common and easily exploitable is that Tane are vulnerable to an Awaken spell, as such a spell causes a pain reaction in them. Remember that an Awaken spell can be cast at range with a thrown spell component, but psionicists should also keep in mind that within close range, Awaken can be cast with sufficient power to overcome spell resistance. It is possible to even dismiss Tane back to Brimm in some cases with repeated castings, although this does not always work.
I also have secondhand reports that dream creatures in general are vulnerable if you “bring their own tricks to bear upon them.” This requires more evidence to determine the exact effects, but psionicists are encouraged to use sleep, delusions, and other psychic spells when defending themselves against hostile dream creatures.
Which brings us to the tricks that Tane and other dream creatures have. Be alert and on your guard. Watch for your companions to suddenly fall asleep or act strangely from delusions. If you have ways to grant yourself or others psychic resistances, use them. Also, calling out to friends to let them know what is going on is extremely helpful.
For further information on dream creatures and Brimm, the best contact would be Minister Tellah Forgedheart in Hatchport. Unfortunately, there are no current Dreamweavers in town, but Tellah has been in Elmerton on a semi-regular basis lately.
Yours in Knowledge,
Historian and Scholar
Player Submission: Court Minutes 126 AoF 2nd of Newgreen
Elmerton’s first court session of the year 126 of the Age of Arrival was held in the amphitheater on Wakingday, the 2nd of Newgreen. Court was held in order to bring two townsmembers up on charges. Magistrate Solun presided.
First, the charges against Galanthas DuMentharen – commonly known as Galynn – was charged with the murder of a man known as Jack.
Sebastian Dark brought the charges against Galynn. Sebastian charged that Galynn murdered Jack, that Jack was a townsmember, and that Galynn acted without regard to the law. Galynn made several counterpoints, claiming that during the fight against the Vampire Queen Amphalise, Jack was robbing unconscious and dead townsfolk, that Jack then fled and confessed to the theft after the fact. These points were not disputed.
<There was a brief recess in court proceedings as we were attacked by War King troops>
Galynn continued, stating that he conferred with Kai, asking permission to “dealt with” Jack.Further Gaynn claims that Kai – Commander of the Elmerton Watch – deputized him. Galynn confronted Jack, received a confession to the crimes, and executed Jack.
The deputization of Galynn by Kai was disputed. Since Kai was the only witness to this and not being present for the proceedings, Magistrate Solun decided to postpone judgement until Commander Kia was present. A retainer of 5 gold was asked to be paid by Galynn until the judgement was rendered.
Second, Arville was charged by Felix with the murder of a child. The child in question was one of the “Mini’s”: a group of children raised by the Sugar Plum Fae who come to Elmerton every fall seeking candy while costumed as members of town. The Mini killed by Arville was a Mini representing Felix.
Felix claimed that Arville killed this child, and then took the candy he had collected from the corpse. No one disputed these facts.
Arville claimed self defense, saying that he felt threatened and felt that his life was in danger. Witnesses agree that Mini Felix made contact with Arville’s back, but statements disagreed as to whether the contact was violent or a simple ‘tag’. Felix asked if Arville was injured by the child, and no one was able to give a definite answer.
In Arville’s case, Solun ruled that Arville not receive punishment at this time, but if Arville ever be brought up on charges again, punishment would be doled out for this charge as well.
Solun also advised Arville to cease all efforts to actively and aggressively solicit business from townsfolk. For the record, Arville’s profession is that of an undertaker.
With trial concluded, Solun turned the floor over to Majento and Rybin to discuss current events.
The town was briefed on the ongoing conflict with the Gatekeeper and Hearkin.
We advised the town to be on the lookout for fungus infested wood trolls that have been fleeing from the south and spreading disease.
Historian and Scribe
Player Submisison: Message From Sevn
Dearest friends, and anyone else who happens to be reading this,
It strikes me with an uncomfortable feeling that I am incapable of being able to describe at this current point in time due to certain circumstances to be contacting you all this way. I have some…family matters…that need attending to, despite advice from my brothers to leave well enough alone. Hopefully I survive and am able to bring whatever news I find to you all in person, but for now, I must say goodbye to Elmerton. For how long, I do not know, but I will try with everything I have left at the end of this journey to make it back to the only place I have left to really call home. I will miss each and every one of you. Yes, ALL of you, no exceptions, but there are answers I need to find, and looking for them while residing in Elmerton will only put all of you in harm’s way.
Anyway, on to more pressing issues that may be of some concern to all of you. I recently spent some time this past summer taking a trip to the Nightmare Wood, or, at least what is left of it. It is the place Lex, myself, and the rest of our family called home for several years before we moved on to other things. While looking for information about this particular family issue I am dealing with, I came across the old village that once stood there. The paths were overgrown, and I saw smoke billowing from the treetops, so I made haste to see what was going on.
What once was the village that stood down the trail from my childhood home was now a scene of desolation and ruin. All but one building had been totally burnt and destroyed. As I walked further into the clearing, I noticed a pit piled high with burnt, skeletal remains, I assume the families of the villagers I once encountered as a child.
On the porch of the single, unscathed building was a figure sitting on a rocking chair. I am not quite sure who or what he or she may have been, for they were horribly burnt and disfigured. This person warned me that I should take my leave, as a plague had swept through the place. With some further questioning, I was told that the village was destroyed in retribution for crimes the people committed while whoever this was was away, a lightning storm caused a fire that rampaged through the town and killed everyone else.
I am not exactly sure if this information is pertinent to anything else anyone has heard, but I figured I may as well share it while I am still able to.
Sorry for taking so long to reach out to you all, apparently someone thought it would be a fun idea to teach his construct to develop a taste for parchment, and this is the third time I have had to pen this.
Best of luck and all that other emotional silliness,
Player Submission: Ayslee in Elmerton
Life’s last gasping. Hand to head.
Trees soon sleeping; winters bed.
Chill fall breeze, the branches sway.
A path of light will guide the way.
Walk it slow and gaze off yonder.
Hold pain tight, refuse it wander.
Sniff and murmur. Let them know.
Break heart open, let it show.
Souls are writhing; hear them call.
The summer crumbles. Make the doll.
Tears and failure. Wood and bone.
Twine and sinew. Teeth and stone.
Ruefully, Community, Soliloquy,
Apology, Memory, Eulogy
Ayslee. Ayslee. Ayslee.
Join us in the grief of goodbye. Meet at the fae circle an hour after dinner on Wakingday evening, the 7th of Boneharvest. I will have the area prepared. If you wish, bring a faedoll, a keening song, a sorrowful memory or a story of loss.