Town of Hatchport Consumed by Sadness!

Having been there myself – literally and figuratively – I can say the phenomena I observed in Hatchport is nothing short of amazing.

sad_orc_by_harhon-d6glktn[1]Every individual has become so self-absorbed that outside stimuli barely register to them. The trading posts and general stores don’t bother to open. In the few weeks that this has taken place, the ships in port are already starting to show signs of neglect. The Allegiant hall is empty, save Minister Forgedheart, who I found sleeping most hours of the day. Even the orcs of the town, so free and rambunctuous, are somber. They sit and drink in quiet contemplation. Interestingly, none are moved to tears but instead, they just sit at their tables and sigh. There is no bartender – she stopped showing up days ago. The orcs pour the drinks themselves, and drop a few coins on the counter. Not only do they pass up the chance to get rowdy on free drink, bu they don’t even count the money they are leaving.

Upon entering the town, I felt it instantly. Certainly, not to the same degree as those who are living here in the funk but still, there it was in my heart. I wish I could say it was my ambition and scholarly drive that pushed me on in my findings but alas, it was not. You see, when I am feeling morose, I turn to journaling. It is a fortunate thing too, having so many notes (and amateur poems and rudimentary line drawings…) to look back at my few days there. Oh the days, how each felt like an eternity. I am certain that the only thing that got me out of Hatchport and its influence was my decision to give up the pursuit of knowledge and move back in my with my mother and father. Oh, thank the Incarnations I snapped out of that!

I suspect I know the source of this misery, and am following his trail to Riverton. I fear even that city has already been lost and he has moved on. I am hesitant to reveal my theory for fear that I am incorrect, but I suspect that it is none other than the Grand Gloomis, a being who has existed since the Age of Creation! A fascinating entity, who leaves nothing but sadness and despair in his wake. He has gone by many names in his time and I believe him to be one of the Neverborn. I would be delighted if anyone were to send me any information they have on him!

– Robin Sweetthistle

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