Vampire Houses in turmoil! Our nation to be restored!


Last Petalsong, I was forced to invoke the Right of Perdition as our nation faced a grave danger, with many of the nation’s nobility under a terrible control.

It brings me great pleasure to announce that – on a case by case basis – The Allegiant are revoking the Right of Perdition.

The Vampire Houses are in disarray. Even now, months later,  they succumb to power-plays and in-fighting. They are killing each other more quickly than any of us could.  The Vampire Queen is dead and with her passing, so too passes their sway over our nobility. The creatures are retreating without their noble lords to hide behind.

Already Point Edgar and Tradegate have been returned to the able hands of our nobility. Once the  investigations into each town and city are complete, all of Irvanshire will be back to normal. I want to thank each and every one of you for the smooth transition of power to us. I anticipate the conversion back to be just as easy.

As the Allegiant, it is our duty to serve, especially when others cannot. Thank you for your cooperation, Irvanshire.


-Valvik Gallows, Incarnist of All Incarnations,
Arch-Minster of the The Allegiant in Irvanshire

A Graveyard of the Innocents

Hey there Magesta!

Snozza Bowrinkle here to give you the latest news that is currently affecting the innocent lives of Magesta. There seems to be an uprising of a new type of undead. Don’t these monsters know to just stay away from us until Reapingdusk? The good news is they aren’t exceedingly difficult to defend against! The bad news is you will feel terrible for doing so. Oh the humanity!

This is indeed a truly sad “tail”. It would appear that the death toll of a variety of seemingly innocent creatures is rising rapidly. We’re talkin’ kittens, puppies and chubby little chipmunks type of innocence here. Whether someone is sacrificing them in some dark magic ritual or some little boy is just going crazy with power is yet to be seen. Whatever the case may be, lock up your pets! Upon further investigation, I’ve found that these fluffly little creatures were all given a proper burial after being brutally ripped apart, complete with headstone marked with strange symbols that seemed to be under the effects of a Darkness spell. Curious indeed, Magesta!

Even CURIOUSER is that days later, these grave sites were tampered with. Someone out undead Kittythere has desecrated the graveyard of innocence and has raised these creatures from the dead. What I found to be even more strange is that it would appear only the cats have been raised. Vicious undead cat attacks have been reported and evidence of zombie rot has been appearing on the victims of the attack. Hide your children, hide your cats because they’re attacking everybody out here.

A Tribute and a Warning

My Friends of Elmerton,

I wish I could write to you under better circumstances. It seems that lately I have only been the bearer of bad news and, unfortunately, there is worse news to come. However, before I get to that, I would like to say a few words in the honor of a dear friend, Osirus Mesmirum, our recently fallen towns member and hero of Irvanshire.

Osirus was born the 21st of Reminiscence in the Age of Arrival. He grew up in Port Hensworth on a large and beautiful ship with his late father, Captain Cyrus Mesmirum, and his late best friend, Tonerius Cypress Frosthill. He selflessly sacrificed his life for the good of Magesta in the town of Elmerton early in the morning on the 3rd of Boneharvest in the Age of Fortune.

Upon first meeting Osirus, I noticed immediately how, although he was mute, he never let Osirus Obitthis stop him from pantomiming jokes in order to keep the town’s spirits high during its often dark times. He cared deeply for those around him and only ever sought peace and comradery.  Because of his inability to speak, Osirus would go on to study the school of psionics and quickly became the first Master of Psionics Elmerton has ever known. After many difficult years of struggle, he eventually gained his speech back with his first words being, “Tonerius, you’re an idiot.” Though we laughed along at the light heartedness of his comment, it was at this moment when Osirus would begin to grow into the man we remember today.

Years later, after witnessing the death of Tonerius, Osirus silently walked away and was not seen for hours. Upon his return, his fists were bloody from the rage of the loss he had felt. As time went on, I watched as Osirus would begin to turn that loss and sadness into devotion for the  greater good of Magesta. He would claim there was not much left that Magesta could take from him and how he wanted to use what little he had to bring righteousness back to the world.

Helping Solun to begin the Mages Guild, helping myself with the Brotherhood and becoming a dear friend to the Incarnation of Memory are but a few accomplishments in his short life, though becoming a vampire was by far the bravest feat in my opinion. Many towns members believed his actions to be misguided and would begin to distrust Osirus, but he persevered and kept faith in the goodness of Elmerton. I am proud to tell those who did not approve of his actions, you were wrong about him. The most important thing for Osirus was for Elmerton to come together as a unified town who did not falter under petty disagreements. He strove to help us stand strong and together when times were difficult and tensions were high. Slowly Osirus grew from a young boy whose innocence charmed those around him into a man whose once muted voice shook the ground as he defended Elmerton against the monster, Amphelise.

I will always remember Osirus speaking to me of his fear of the known inevitability of his spirit ending up in the Void. His voice trembled at first but would then smile and say “I’m doing this for them,” as he motioned toward the town. He was ready to sacrifice something that he has been passionate about ever since I’ve known him: memories. He understood that becoming a vampire meant his spirit would belong to the void, and that our memories of him would slowly fade away into nothingness. Osirus selflessly gave those up for the betterment of Magesta. It was not until his final moments when he learned that he would become something even greater, a Dream Warden. Though his body may be gone, we will carry him on in our mind, in our hearts and in our spirits. On behalf of all of Elmerton, rest peacefully Osirus. You will be greatly missed.


Now sadly, there is worse news to come. I have been noticing lately that spirits from all over Magesta and the Spirit Realm have been going into and out of the Void fairly quickly. It is my belief that the Gatekeeper is behind this in order to siphon spirits into his own personal Death Dimension. I am not sure how he is doing this, but I am sure that he must have some remarkably powerful help. Be warned, Elmerton, that the Death Dimension the Gatekeeper has created is nothing like the Spirit Realm we know. If a spirit goes into it, there is no coming back. There are no breakouts, no Agents of Death to judge us, there is no peace. Trust me – the Gatekeeper is a bigger threat than we all realized. I urge you all to take caution and to look into this matter.

Do not let the sacrifice of Osirus Mesmirum be in vain. Do not let him become one of the spirits taken from the Gatekeeper, fight in his honor, fight for Elmerton, fight for Magesta.

Most importantly, look after one another.

Nevaeh Phoenix

Uprising in Terl Ayre!

For years we have toiled under the chains of oppression
For years our screams have gone unheard
For years we have been used like tools: when broken, we were simply tossed away.
For years those with wealth owned those who have nothing.
Brought in from all corners of the world and stolen from our very own homelands, we were once the voiceless and unseen, the forgotten and unloved.
Our time has now come, the days of our oppression are now over.
We now fight as one and inspire those enslaved in other lands to do the same.
We are stronger than those who attempt to hold us down.
We know their dirty secrets, we know what they do and who they really are.

Alone we are merely a small issue, but together we are an army of the oppressed.

Those who attempt to own anyone, regardless of race or origin, will learn

Peasant Revolt

fear- the very fear that has made us all slaves for so long.

The time has come, brothers and sisters! The time for liberation is here!

Francine Libre
Leader of the Terl Ayre slave resistance

In Response to a Slight On My Person

My Dear Bosephus Blackgate and the Easily Influenced Town of Elmerton,

Now I am not one who typically writes such a public letter, I often prefer to stick to the shadows as Bosephus has so elegantly stated. However, I find his public assault on myself and my family to be down right unforgivable and I now find myself in a position where I must explain my actions: We may be considered cannibals but we do what we must in order to survive, as most do on Magesta.

It is interesting that my family is perceived as the one with a lack of respect for life, when Bosephus is one who partakes in some dark magics that are less than “Life Worshipping”, though I imagine my shortsighted brother-in-law has failed to mention that tiny detail to you all. I believe every life on Magesta is sacred, from the trees that wail in pain while being cut down to the animals being hunted for food. Just because our prey is outside of the norm does not make us any more barbaric than yourself. The only difference is that the Incarnation of Death has the ability to send my prey back to the physical realm. I see my actions as a kindness in comparison to everyday hunters quite frankly.

I would like to point out that the only truth behind Bosephus’ propaganda is that the position for a Shadow Queen has been available for a long time and I am indeed attempting to go for the throne. The Shadow Realm has been without a Queen for far too long and I do not wish for it to be in a state of chaos any longer. I understand there is competition against me, and my aggressive actions simply mirror those of the other competitors for the throne. We are all aware that, unfortunately, there is only one way to gain shadow shards from an individual. If there were another way, I would gladly be willing to use those means, but that is simply not how these matters work. My family is currently helping me in gaining these shadow shards and I will be honest with you, Elmerton that I am well aware some of your towns members are currently holders of these said shards. That being said, a few of my own will be in your town shortly. Please do not see this as an attack on your often misguided town, but a means to a long and arduous end.

Bosephus- I must ask you, is “breeding” with shadows now illegal? Are you racist toward Mongrellians and half-elves as well or does your ignorance only extend to your family? There are half-shadows and half-Blackgates, yes, but these loving individuals are members of my family, which make them your relatives as well. They are not my “experiments” so please choose your words carefully; might be you upset someone who knows far too much about you.

 I am not whining to beg your assistance, I simply seek your understanding.

-Rebby Sky

Sons of Alaric Declare War-Like Intentions

This is an official declaration to all of our supporters and our brothers and sisters in arms:

The horror that the vampires and their supporters brought on the common people will never be forgotten. The Sons of Alaric have resolved to use all our resources in order to find and destroy as many of the remaining vampires as we can, as well those who willingly helped them in their sick game. The “game” that they played cost countless lives as well as the life of our beloved commander Brandal Mcconell, which is unforgivable.
The end of days is coming to any vampires and to those who offered them support. Anyone willingly involved with the vampires is considered “fair game” to my hunters- just as anyone was fair game to them. This isn’t a matter of revenge- this is much more a matter of eliminating the remaining threats to life. I repeat: Any remaining vampires will be destroyed.


This blight on all of the living peoples of Magesta has existed for far too long. We will show no mercy. We will give no quarter. The SOA is as strong as it has ever been. We are one, united, and ready to fight. No matter where you run no matter where you hide we will find you and eliminate you. We have eyes everywhere. This is no threat. This is a promise, and one we will keep. You have been warned which is far more than any warning you gave to those who fell to your blades and teeth.


Fear the dawn, bloodsuckers, for it is coming!!!!!


Bianca Fischer
General of the Sons of Alaric.

Blackgate Family Cannibals Get Darker…

Greetings Elmertonians,

It is I Bosephus Blackgate. There are a few things that you all most know. First off, neither those loyal to me nor I are cannibals- nor will we ever be. We find it to be the ultimate affront to the very essence of life. I cannot, however, say the same for those members of my family who have sided with Rebby Sky.

As some of you may know we have been in an almost constant war with them for months now. My numbers are quickly being depleted and we are on the verge of losing this war. I shadow-monstercannot state strongly enough how horrible this will be for all of you if we fall. Not only will it never be safe to travel around Elmerton again, there is another more horrible part to this: Rebby Sky is attempting to become the Shadow Queen and has been gathering a multitude of shadow shards to ensure her place on the throne. Not only that, but some shadows have sided with her and we have reason to believe that she has been breeding or somehow “experimenting” with shadows. Some of the cannibals we have come across resemble the traits of our family but there is something very different about them. Low voices almost in a whisper and a body that is so much darker than ours. They also possess some abilities that are not human. They still engage in cannibalism and are even more dangerous than ever before.

Please, Elmerton, we need your help. For the future of my people and for the future of your own please help!

Thank you for any help you can provide,

Bosephus Blackgate

Absentee Queen Leaves Fae House in Chaos!

It is becoming apparent, even outside of the Fae Realm, that one of the Fae houses, House Tierian, has continued to spiral further into chaos and anarchy in the absence of its leader, Queen Leanhaun. Queen Leanhaun has been the primary ruler of House Tierian since the untimely death of her first husband, Fiontan Tierian.  Aside from the first few years of malcontent, during which the young queen grieved the loss of her beloved husband, her house has thrived under her leadership and has grown both in size and power within the Fae Realm and has even gained support on Magesta proper. However in the last year or so (by Magesta’s reckoning), the members of House Tierian seem have stopped recognizing her authority, which has lead to several deadly and destructive riots within the house.

Those loyal to her have been doing their best to keep the house in working order, including attempting to secure the throne as Regents to Leanhaun- for the betterment of the house they’ve grown to adore. Their efforts unfortunately were no match for the quiet, calculated pique of the Queen, and those that tried met horrific, if seemingly inexplicable, deaths. Many traumatized fae described the scene as gruesome, going into detail over wings and other body parts being carefully and precisely shredded to a point beyond recognition.  

It is evident that many members of House Tierian have become more than terrified of their once warm and adoring Queen and have begun to flee the Fae Realm itself. The destabilization of the house is particularly worrisome for many of the Fae who, though considered shylings (fae without ties to a house for one reason or another), were taken in and given full protection under Leanhaun’s rule. The benevolence that the Queen originally showed her subjects has turned dramatically and quickly into apathy and cold mercilessness. Those who have chosen to remain in the Fae Realm have become destructive and violent, throwing much of the Realm into disorder and wreaking uncontrolled havoc in both the Fae Realm and Magesta proper. 

Rumors have spread like wildfire throughout the Realm that Leanhaun’s transformation was the result of the removal of her own spirit, while others believe this was going to happen at some point and remain unsurprised at this turn of events. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Queen Leanhaun has become an unpredictable, cold, and powerful tempest bereft of feeling or caring. Something must be done soon, if not for the Queen, than for House Tierian.

Snozza Bowrinkle

-Agent of Community

Strange Weather Continues

“A hole just open’d up, right in front of me eyes! Was as big as a dragon, it was! No, two dragons! I thought it was gunna swalla me whole! I turned an’ ran like Vorkarian hisself was chasin’ me but the others ain’t so lucky…”

Bradford, no last name given, the only witness willing to talk about this tragedy, claimed that on a brisk, sunny, Ravingfrost day, the sky darkened rapidly, the wind began to whip around and a gigantic hole opened up in the village courtyard. Once the hole was opened, the wind began to sweep everything into the hole, including his neighbors. The last thing Bradford recalled hearing, as he ran from the event, was the sound of a baby who “must ‘ave been pleased as punch and laughin’ like he dun been tickled.”

For months strange weather patterns have been plaguing the lands of Irvanshire. Flash flooding during a drought, snow, 3 feet deep in the hottest part of the summer and tornados in heavily forested areas ravage 2 to 3 villages or towns at any one time. Elementalists have theorized about the cause of the strange occurrences.

“The essence of the land has been disturbed and has been allowed to fester for much too long. I have absolutely no idea what force is driving these upsetting events. I have been working hard to assemble a team to neutralize the areas I feel are the epicenter of the essence disruption.” A. Demeter, a noted Elementalist, provided this statement but refused to answer any further questions.

Fae Houses in Uproar!

The Fae Realm is in an uproar due to the recent actions of the fae Queen of House Tierian. Over the course of the last year, House Tierian has become more and more chaotic as they witness the decline of the mental and emotional state of their Queen, Queen Leanhaun. Reportedly this began after the Ayslee celebration in the 122nd year of the Age of Fortune. Leanhaun, having left the Fae Realm to celebrate on Magesta, returned in a state of pure wrath, killing and injuring many of her subjects before ordering the kidnap and imprisonment of dozens of human men. The men were brought to her private chambers, and though none there will bear witness to the atrocities committed, many say the walls of the palace echoed for days with agonized screams.

However, to the subjects of House Tierian, this was better than what was to come. As the Festival of Souls meandered through Boneharvest, Queen Leanhaun began a transformation that would allegedly leave her unrecognizable to her subjects. She left the Fae Realm for an undisclosed location, abandoning rule of her house for many months (by Magestic Reckoning), and leaving it in a state of nearly unbridled chaos. When she returned, she had changed so much that few of her subjects even recognized her as their Queen.

Since that time, her grasp of leadership in her own house has been tenuous at best, and it is only with the help of a few loyal fae that she has managed to maintain it at all. Even those helping her say it is a struggle to maintain any sort of rule over the house;

“She doesn’t care about anything and she exudes an aura of apathy and despair. Most days she refuses even to leave her chambers. It is not fitting behavior for a fae, nevermind a Queen… but… uh, don’t tell her I said that!”

But her apathetic disposition is not the worst of it. In the last few weeks, after leaving the Fae Realm to wander Magesta proper, Queen Leanhaun is reported to have pledged her allegiance and that of House Tierian to the Vampire Queen Amphelise. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she has allegedly promised this Queen of Abominations a welcome place in the Fae Realm! Though her allegiance has not been solidified as of yet, it is the fear of all the Fae Houses that she intends to complete the necessary ritual during the Festival of Souls, using the ritualistic powers of the Ayslee ceremonies to empower it further.

It is my hope that this letter will serve to give people warning so that her plans may not succeed. It is my hope that my writings can serve to hold House Tierian together until such time as a new Queen is established or Leanhaun is returned to her former self. I will do what I can from my end; will you not help from yours?

Caressa Del Finn

Story Queen of Tuath’Caire