Tzigane Life Ritual in Woods Instead of Wagon?

People of Elmerton and the Lands Surrounding,

I am a servant of Aeumbei, Incarnation of Life. I came to the Elmerton area because I was informed of life energy rituals that were being performed by groups of tzigane. While I was not able to witness any of these rituals, I was able to tell that the energy and Agreement that was flowing from them were not serving to strengthen Aeumbei. Instead, it seemed to settle around the area where the rituals were performed. A colleague who knows more about the area suggested that it may be due to the nature of the magical and elusive Evernight Forest, though he could not be sure.

If you have any additional information on this matter, please give it to local Allegiant Minister, Oliver Finnestera so that he may pass it on to his superiors in the Allegiant.

LifeThank You,

-Verdana Orgum

Servant of Life