Greetings once again, citizens of Elmerton!
Atian Grimsby here…Yes!! That Atian Grimsby!!
- Basic wilderness survival skills. For those who excel in the basics, there is a more advanced class.
- Basic hunting skills, as well as advanced classes for those who excel.
- Gathering skills that can keep you alive even in the most barren of places.
- Fish and game skills, including proper skinning and meat & fur preservation that can not only sustain you, but even make you money.
- Tracking skills.
All this and more will be taught to those who wish to learn!For the small fee of only two silver every two moons you will learn what is needed to stay alive in almost any sort of terrain in any area.
Interested? Sign your name on the sheet that will be hung in the Wining Spirit Tavern with what you would be most interested in learning. Even if you signed with us in the past please sign your name again just to keep our records up to date.I look forward to new adventures with all of you!
– Atian Grimsby