Blood Oath Sworn Against Skye

To All of Elmerton:

Greetings Elmerton, it is I, Bosephus Blackgate. I am sorry for the absence of myself, Boom and other members of my family this past moon. While Rebekkah was having her so called “ceremony” a massive force of shadows, shadow touched family members, and the few remaining true human cannibal Blackgates attacked us in massive numbers. It took hours of fighting for us to finally bring them down. In the aftermath of the attack Boom had to seal off one of our main chambers to prevent further incursions and we had many wounded who needed to be taken care of. We finally have the full story of what happened. I knew that her ambitions knew no bounds- I have known this since before my brother married her oh so many years ago. I knew she wanted to be shadow queen, as that would certainly be the nail in the coffin for me and my family. I knew that she hated us enough to try for something crazy, but I never thought she would be mad enough to try and broker a deal with a Vampire Lord to make her dreams become reality.
This tells me one thing, she is desperate. She is desperate and afraid. She knows that we can defeat her and she is backed into a corner. While that is certainly something we can use it’s also always good to remember that a cornered animal with nothing to lose is always the most dangerous. That being said I am doing something I have held back in doing for a very long time. I did it mostly in the memory of my brother as I was still trying to hold on to the foolish belief that somewhere inside her there was still a part of her that was still human, that could still feel and care. Now I know that if that part of her ever existed it is long dead. I will no longer show any mercy or hold anything back the time has come.
Rebekkah Skye Blackgate, I as the leader of my family have sworn a blood oath against you. You and the perversion of our family name will not only be defeated but erased from history. Every power I and my family have will be turned against you. Every ounce of blood that runs through our veins will be spilled if needed to ensure that you and your “kin” can never sully the Blackgate name ever again. I declare total war on you and your faction of bastard Blackgates and shadows. If our bloodline ends in this new stage of our war so be it. We will not stand by and let you try and drag our once proud clan through the evil you intend to bring on the world. I do not fear death, I have lived long enough.
Myself, Boom and the rest of the true family understand the gravity of what these words mean and are just as ready as I. If not by my sword then maybe by one of Boom’s special gifts your very life and you ambitions will be snuffed out.
May you be forever cursed.
Bosephus Blackgate
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