Uprising in Terl Ayre!

For years we have toiled under the chains of oppression
For years our screams have gone unheard
For years we have been used like tools: when broken, we were simply tossed away.
For years those with wealth owned those who have nothing.
Brought in from all corners of the world and stolen from our very own homelands, we were once the voiceless and unseen, the forgotten and unloved.
Our time has now come, the days of our oppression are now over.
We now fight as one and inspire those enslaved in other lands to do the same.
We are stronger than those who attempt to hold us down.
We know their dirty secrets, we know what they do and who they really are.

Alone we are merely a small issue, but together we are an army of the oppressed.

Those who attempt to own anyone, regardless of race or origin, will learn

Peasant Revolt

fear- the very fear that has made us all slaves for so long.

The time has come, brothers and sisters! The time for liberation is here!

Francine Libre
Leader of the Terl Ayre slave resistance

In Response to a Slight On My Person

My Dear Bosephus Blackgate and the Easily Influenced Town of Elmerton,

Now I am not one who typically writes such a public letter, I often prefer to stick to the shadows as Bosephus has so elegantly stated. However, I find his public assault on myself and my family to be down right unforgivable and I now find myself in a position where I must explain my actions: We may be considered cannibals but we do what we must in order to survive, as most do on Magesta.

It is interesting that my family is perceived as the one with a lack of respect for life, when Bosephus is one who partakes in some dark magics that are less than “Life Worshipping”, though I imagine my shortsighted brother-in-law has failed to mention that tiny detail to you all. I believe every life on Magesta is sacred, from the trees that wail in pain while being cut down to the animals being hunted for food. Just because our prey is outside of the norm does not make us any more barbaric than yourself. The only difference is that the Incarnation of Death has the ability to send my prey back to the physical realm. I see my actions as a kindness in comparison to everyday hunters quite frankly.

I would like to point out that the only truth behind Bosephus’ propaganda is that the position for a Shadow Queen has been available for a long time and I am indeed attempting to go for the throne. The Shadow Realm has been without a Queen for far too long and I do not wish for it to be in a state of chaos any longer. I understand there is competition against me, and my aggressive actions simply mirror those of the other competitors for the throne. We are all aware that, unfortunately, there is only one way to gain shadow shards from an individual. If there were another way, I would gladly be willing to use those means, but that is simply not how these matters work. My family is currently helping me in gaining these shadow shards and I will be honest with you, Elmerton that I am well aware some of your towns members are currently holders of these said shards. That being said, a few of my own will be in your town shortly. Please do not see this as an attack on your often misguided town, but a means to a long and arduous end.

Bosephus- I must ask you, is “breeding” with shadows now illegal? Are you racist toward Mongrellians and half-elves as well or does your ignorance only extend to your family? There are half-shadows and half-Blackgates, yes, but these loving individuals are members of my family, which make them your relatives as well. They are not my “experiments” so please choose your words carefully; might be you upset someone who knows far too much about you.

 I am not whining to beg your assistance, I simply seek your understanding.

-Rebby Sky