Sarah’s Run Viciously Attacked!

Two nights ago, a large group of marauders attacked the small hamlet of Sarahs Run just 5 miles outside of Craftshire. The attackers showed no mercy, 40 people were killed out of a population of only 117. A women by the name of Brodie Ross survived the attack and had this to say:

“They came in swift and silent. There was a birthday celebration going on in the town center and none saw them come. All at once swords began to cleave and arrows shot from the night. Dark magic also felled quite a few people before our modest town guard could even try and muster. Our captain, a man by the name of Drake, stood fast and tried to defend us as best as he could. Before long we all watched in horror as a sword slammed through his skull. The man holding the sword then spoke, ‘I am Argyle McConell,’ he yelled. ‘And you will all pay for the sins of my father!’ They finished ruining our town, and our lives as a whole, and they left just as soon as they came.”

Brodie at that point began to cry and walked away covering her face. Attempts to try and talk to local nobles or the Irvanshirian army about this attack were fruitless.

Tricia Ravenhope

Roving scribe and historian