Peepzeez of Irvanshire and allest da landzeez beeyondzeez! Itzeez wit saddestest marshmallow fayzeez and teerfullest gumdrop hartzeez dat weez da Sugar Plum Fayz of the Kandeez Korn Mountainz komzeez tooz yoozeez wit da mostestest terribleez newzeez! Weez may not beez able tooz vizits yooz dis yeerzeez on da Festeez of Souleez for dis pastest yeerzeez haz beenz badzeez and weez findeez useses wit no mineez tooz vizits yooz townzeez and homezeez wit dis yeerzeez. Sadleez, dis also meenz weez no beez ablezeez tooz passes out aneez of our yummeez in yooz tummeez kandeez either tooz all weez vizits. If yooz knoz of aneez kidzeez betweenzeez da ageez of 5-10 hooz likezeez tooz bekomzeez a mineez and
getzeez tooz eetzeez lots and lots of yummee yummee kandeez, pleez find meez Lollee as soonzeez as possibleezest beeforzeez itzeez tooz latezeez!!!!
Chocolate hugseez and kizzeez,
Lollee Von Popzeez