Strange Migrations


You’ll never guess the surprise that befell me several weeks ago. As I was on the edges of my compound, patrolling for poachers and safeguarding the wood, I stumbled across several wood trolls making a beeline right for me. As I fight defensively, I drew my blade and awaited their attack, but, surprisingly, they proceeded to run right by me! Flabbergasted, I continued to patrol my lands and discovered several other groups of wood trolls doing the exact same thing! They all appeared to be heading north, but kept looking behind them to the south, as if worried that something was following them.

Since then, other colleagues of mine have reported similar findings all over Irvanshire. The common connection seems to be that they are either migrating or fleeing north. As a researcher of all things natural, I encourage anyone with any information at all about these strange occurrences to make contact with me via letter or seek me out at my lodge in The Great Frostwood in person. I eagerly look forward to any responses at all. Keep your eyes sharp!


Arados Holfax
Woodwarden of The Great Frostwood

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