Is what the sign out front of the tavern in Elmerton should read (if there were a sign), for in recent months more and more folks have taken refuge in the establishment’s back room which is now bursting to capacity.
Hard times appear to have befallen the “Town of Heroes” as many of its local commoners are claiming that their homes and lands and even families have been taken from them by strangers or in a few cases, have gone completely missing.
Many of the displaced also appear very confused and befuddled by the circumstances which have led up to their homelessness, and brawls over ownership of local farms have forced the Town Watch to be called in to deal with the rising tensions.
Representatives of House Lav’Endros have yet to take further action until more can be learned of the situation. In the meanwhile, Baroness Lobea Lav’Endros has been quoted as saying, “The matter is not so dire at this time as to require further action from us. We at House Lav’Endros entrust the Town Watch to work in unison with the common folk of Elmerton in finding a resolution to this minor problem.”