Magestry’s Best Of Reapingdusk 2013

Here are our picks for the Best of the October 11th-13th event:

Best PC starReapingdusk’s Best PC is one of our veterans who has consistently shown us a great performance at game, but outdid himself this time. Chris Vater really got into character this game as Kraven and showed both PCs and NPCs the best of his best. From engaging in intense honor combat with demons, to his spot-on role playing the whole event, to helping out after the game was over, Chris demonstrated many of the qualities we like to see in our PCs. Thanks, Chris, and Congrats!

Best NPC star

This moon’s Best NPC, Mark Vadney spent his whole summer (and a load of his own cash) on creating an amazing costume and great prop for this event, and practiced with it to ensure his safety and that of the PCs. His monster looked amazing, and his performance as the creature was rock solid. Behind the scenes, he was helpful and positive, helping us to work through the chaos and get our game on. Thanks, Mark! Awesome job!