PC Submission: The Cult of the Fiery Voice wants YOU!

Join the hottest new cult in all of Irvanshire! Amaze your friends with new found magical powers, rediscover the lost art of Oration, and never again fear being called a nerd because of all the time you were forced to spend in the library.

For too long have the people of Magesta been confined and restricted in their learning, for too long have the strong oral traditions of our past been cast aside in favor of silent libraries and restricted classrooms, for too long have you been sheep. It is time to rediscover the ways of Nature, to embrace the world around you, and cast off the chains that city folk seek to wrap around you. They send you to schools, to libraries, to other various establishments of learning. And why? So that you will be no different than them, so that you will fill the role they want for you and so that you will never shine so bright as to dim their pathetic, meaningless, dull lives.

But no more my friends, I offer you a new way. A way back to theFery mouth embrace of Nature, A way back to the natural world, a way to break free of the chains of monotony that bind your lives and keep you from becoming the predators you were always meant to be. Come to us, embrace our ways, and we will teach you to live as Nature had intended before Labor bound you in its iron webs of industry and civilization. We will teach you to live from the land, we will show you how to gather prodigious magical power, teach you to fight and live as a predator, and above all we will show you how to carry this truth across Magesta so that you may free others.

Come to me on the first fortuneday of petalsong. We will gather in front of the Allegiant
building in Elmerton at one hour before high sun and travel to a place flush with life and the blessing of Nature. There we will begin teaching you the true way to live, and from that point on you will have a whole world of opportunity opened before you. Come to us, join in our worship of Nature, and learn the secrets that Labor would hide from you. Free magical power to the two best initiates!

These words have been spoken in fiery glory by Samson, high cult leader of the Cult of the Fiery Voice.

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One Response to PC Submission: The Cult of the Fiery Voice wants YOU!

  1. Rakesh the Smith says:

    Sadly, this gathering will occur before I can return to Elmerton and voice my opposition to such a violent assault on Knowledge and Peace. The characterizations that Samson has made regarding Labor and repositories of written words are skewed to try and justify the existence of his cult and increase its appeal.

    I call on the Bloomingport Town Guard, followers of Knowledge, and makers of Peace to join this gathering and show that worship of Nature and learning the art of Oration does not have to lead to setting fire to libraries and burning of books.

    As a word of caution to those opposed to Samson’s ideas, expect to receive rebuttals to arguments in the form of damaging physical or magical attacks.

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