In a vicious attack that was done by either pirates or terrorists the world renowned trade port, Traders’ Bay was sacked just a night ago.

As night fell a fleet of ten ships approached the bay. They soon walled off the dock area with their ships and attacked both the Traders’ Bay and the Unity Mining Company in an attack that will cost tradesmen and commoners an untold fortune. Wooden structures where burned to the ground, mines were collapsed and robbed. Men, women, and children who were part of the community, who lived there, lost their lives to these enemies of decency. Rico Demesmarc, the overseer of the Bay, did his best to mount a counter attack against these villains, but the numbers were just too great. His men were slain, dying bravely in combat in defense of the lands and people. Mr. Demesmarc’s modest home was sacked and set ablaze. His body has yet to be recovered, but there is so much chaos and wreckage left behind it may take some time to fully have a count of those murdered.
The loss of innocent life is tragically high but the real numbers may never be known due to destructive fires and the mine cave-ins. The loss of money is nigh incalculable as the repercussions on, not only the local economy, but the global economy, will be severe. Everyone from the simple farmer to the highest member of royal society will feel this for years to come. We can only hope and pray that something of this terrible magnitude will never occur again and that these pirates will be brought to justice.
Brenard O’Callighan
Royal Scribe of Terl Ayre