PC Submission: Corabarra Rescued!

Know the spirits through and through/

Guide them as they come to you./

Some are brazen, some are meek/

Listen to them as they speak.

-Excerpt from Rhyme the Twenty-Ninth, The Ancient Rhymes

On the 11th of Reapingdusk, in the year 124 of the Age of Fortune, heroes from the town of Elmerton freed the Corabarra family of Tzigane from the haunted city of Qui Lagua- also known as the City of Faith – where they were resisting being haunted and possessed by the spirits there. It was a joyous day.

Using a ritual, Elmertonians bound the spirits of the Corabarra to a volunteer named Azareth. The names of the trapped Corabarra were recited and Azareth was then sacrificed and sent to Vorkarian, bringing the Corabarra spirits with him.

With the ritual successfully completed, now the Corabarra should be able to return from Vorkarian free of haunting spirits. The hope is that these Tzigane will be of assistance in the conflict with Tshurkurka.

I will not present the full list of Corabarra freed, but below are the Top 10 Most Most Common Corabarra Names according to the Memory of the Blood (along with the number of Corabarra with that name). I hope you find this list interesting:

Female                                                                               Male

  1. Maria (64)                                                               1. Tamas (47)

  2. Abela (54)                                                                2. Vanya (38)

  3. Flora (51)                                                                 3. Tem (34)

  4. Katarina (50)                                                          4. Wen (32)

  5. Katryana (43)                                                         5. Burril (24)

  6. Aleta (38)                                                                6. Beti (22)

  7. Olena (34)                                                               7. Pias (22)

  8. Adara (24)                                                               8. Casamir (21)

  9. Risa (24)                                                                  9. Radu (20)

  10. Loiza (21)                                                                10. Rye (18)


Rybin vanHoltRybinvanHoltseal

Historian and Scholar

Please note: the above list is for entertainment purposes only. Gender accuracy of the names not guaranteed. Author not responsible if you give your male child a female name or vice versa based on this article.

PC Submission: Common Man’s Guide to Wood Trolls

In this installment of the Common Man’s Guide, we will tackle wood trolls (Note: physically tackling wood trolls is not advised). Wood trolls are commonly encountered while traveling in Irvanshire and are even more common in the nation of Kire Dero to the north.

Wood trolls are of human height and appear made of wood with long brown noses, long brown ears and long brown claws. They rarely if ever travel more than half a dozen paces from woods or other natural settings; entering a town or even a large building is a good way to lose a pursuing wood troll.

Wood trolls are not always hostile, but often are. When fighting wood trolls, be wary of being entangled. Any strike from a wood troll’s claws or any weapon it wields could entangle you if you are not careful. Be prepared to dodge or parry such strikes if you can. When entangled you are easy prey, so it is best to use superior numbers: bring a companion to protect your back.

Wood trolls seem to be attracted to shiny valuable objects, and searching wood trolls for valuables can prove profitable. Be sure to look in the following places when searching for coins or other items: under it’s bark on the torso and other places, inside the nose, and inside the ears. You’d be surprised what you can find if you’re thorough.

At this point one might be thinking that wood trolls may not seem like much of a threat, but we have not yet discussed one of the wood troll’s most important attributes: regeneration.

Wood trolls regenerate – that is to say they heal quickly – in natural settings which explains why they are loath to leave such places. Within about a minute a wood troll can fully heal from nearly any injury, unless that injury is caused by fire. Traveling with a nature caster is thus strongly advised when dealing with wood trolls. Any wounds cause to a wood troll by fire will not heal, though other wounds will. Dealing a final blow with fire is one sure way to finish off a wood troll. Keep in mind that any Magestry caster can use the cantrip Fire Strike as a way to eliminate an unconscious wood troll. If not dealt with quickly after being rendered unconscious, a wood troll can begin healing and awaken again, so exercise caution when looting.

Remember this motto: “Fight smarter not harder,” and you will not have trouble with the same troll twice.

For further expertise on fighting wood trolls, seek out Sandow in Elmerton.


Rybin vanHoltRybinvanHoltseal

Historian and Scholar

PC Submission: To Fegoria! And Unfortunately Back…

Tired of endless winter and cold? Do you mourn the loss of all colors other than grey and white? Miss the delicious dinner we were fortunate enough to eat last moon? Then come to Fegoria! This winter, all are welcome to board a procured airship, piloted by the distinguished Captain Liam, that will carry us from the freezing lands of Elmerton to the land of permanent summer known as Fegoria. SUN?!

But what cost must you bear for such an amazing journey? Merely a few copper to keep your boots in good repair! I covered the rest. But wait, there is more excitement to be had! MORE? YUP!

We will be arriving near Villa Arruinado. It is the ruins of an old town where fourteen standing stones surround three in the center. The fourteen stones are meant to contain the ones in the center which are a place of power and are the cause of the ruination of the city and its inhabitants. We must be careful, as the people who died there remain very territorial of the place. SOUND FAMILIAR? WE ARE EXPERTS IN THIS!

Don’t spend too much time with the stones though as what we are looking for is under them. We will seek an entrance to the mages deep. Somewhere down there is a place of power and when the magestream passes, the place is one and then another. It is now and before and before. TIMELINES!?!

sunAlso, I’m back!
