Magestry’s “Best Of” Rewind!

It was such a crazy end to the Spring Season that we forgot to post the Best Of for the last event of the Spring! This will not stand! Therefore, in a rewind move worthy of a 90’s movie rental return policy, here are our picks for the Best of the May 24th-26th event

Best PC starPetalsong’s Best PC revealed herself once again to be a true leader and a model PC at Magestry. Amanda Mooney in her last time playing Nevaeh Phoenix demonstrated outstanding role-playing, helped to push along plots and get other PCs involved, and truly raised the bar of what it means to earn this distinction. In addition to all her positive in-game qualities, Amanda readily donates her time and energy before and after most games to help set-up and clean up and is relentless in her efforts to get players- old and new- to each event. We are truly grateful to Amanda for everything she has done for the game. Thanks, Mooney, and Congratulations!


Recently it has been hard to pick out a Best NPC for each month since we have suchBest NPC star a rockstar cast these days. However, your PELs tell us that this month’s award should go to none other than Jess Serra! Jess is an amazing and dedicated staff member, putting time and effort into plot writing before each game and giving her all during each event. She is always energetic and happy and loves to put smiles on the faces of PCs and NPCs alike. Sometimes, we just don’t know what we ever did without her! Thanks, Jess! We truly appreciate it!

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