PC Submission: Return to Normalcy

Allegiant Symbol Alone

Greetings to all citizens of Elmerton.

It is my duty to inform those good people of Elmerton of the actions taken since the Allegiant invoked the Rights of Perdition.  Throughout the land of Irvanshire, the leadership of the Allegiant has stepped in to aid in the everyday needs of providing stability to some towns.  This by no means has occurred in the entirety of the land, only in those areas deemed at need or undesired by the noble leadership.  Elmerton is one such place that falls into that category.

As such, I have been placed as acting magistrate of the town of Elmerton and wish to conduct the towns business in a fair and reasonable manner, as our town has suffered under outside influence for several years now.  It is time to return to normalcy.

This coming moon, and for each moon after, we shall once again have a court session.  Court shall be held at one bell past high sun on Wakingday. In the fair weather it shall be at the amphitheater and in foul weather at the Whining Spirit Tavern.  Court should be viewed not only as a place to bring about grievances, or seek justice, but should be a time when the town can gather to exchange thoughts and concerns on the events that plague or occasionally benefit our lives.  Although not mandatory, I ask that representatives from any of the major factions of our town provide a representative to attend so that any thoughts can be communicated and dispersed to a wide audience.  Concerns may be brought to my attention prior to court if so desired.

Upon conclusion of court, I invite any and all merchants, smiths, alchemists, craftsmen of all kinds to gather at market to promote trade and fair exchange among those of our town, or just passing through.  Market shall be held in the same location as court, once all business has been concluded.  I encourage all citizens to at least browse those merchant’s wares that visit, so that our town may be known as a stop along many of the trade routes.

As we are a town full of heroes, and upon the advice of members of the town, I have elected to continue the disbanding of a town guard.  However, I have elevated three individuals to the position of sheriff to provide justice and order to the town.  They are Azmin, Kai, and Scindo and should all be given the respect due to their position.  Should anyone have need of their service, or should they need to report harm that has befallen them, they may seek either myself or any one of the sheriffs out to provide assistance.

I shall continue to do my best to serve the town of Elmerton until the incarnations deem my task complete.

Minister Oliver Finnestera

Acting Magistrate of Elmerton